CUERVOCON 2000 --- Official Announcement --- --------------------------------------------------- It's official! CuervoCon 2000 is upon us in a new locale with speakers, events, and drunken forays into Mexico. Please join 303 and our Texas friends for a weekend of old-skool H/P, drinking, and guns. Please read this short announcement, and then visit for detailed information, including speaker lists, maps, reservation information, car caravans, airports, etc. What is it? CuervoCon is booze, guns and hacking at the Mexican border in Texas. When is it? CuervoCon is January 22 and 23, 2000. Where is it? CuervoCon is in Laredo, TX this year, about 50 feet from the Mexican Border. Hotel? We are staying at the Laredo Howard Johnson. If you make reservations, be sure to tell them you are with the group 'CC2K' - you will receive a group rate of $62 per night for a single OR double. Phone: 877-722-2411 You can share a room, but there can be no more than two people to a room (according to the hotel). Airlines? You can fly directly to Laredo, but that will be somewhat expensive - if you do, it is better to transfer through Houston rather than Dallas. Otherwise you can fly to San Antonio and drive to Laredo (about 2.5 hours) - please see the web site for carpool information and maps, etc. Other info? Information like what you need to go to Mexico, what you should bring in terms of computers, speakers, and events is all at the web site. Speakers? Confirmed speakers include drno, kozubik, mrman, wasted, and our MC, Apok0lyps - please let us know if you are interested in speaking - topics include "network security" and firearms. REMEMBER - visit the web site ( and make your hotel reservations ASAP - and remember to tell them you are with the 'CC2K' group. Contact information for CC2K organizers can also be found at the web site. BE SURE TO BRING VALID ID FOR MEXICO!