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AntiOnline Staff in their own words. Images of JP and crew
Vranesevich, John (JV1809) jp@TECHIE.COM (412) 648-4591 Vranesevich, John (VJ288) jp@ANTIONLINE.COM 724-728-6203 Registrant: Pitt Students (ANTIONLINE2-DOM) 395 State Stree Suite B (some doms list suite C) Beaver, PA 15009 US 724-728-6203 ICQ: 3055865 Another time, Ibrahim tried to hire a 17-year-old former cracker named mercs, who claimed to have accessed many military sites. [*] [Whois] [mercs] [*] address : [*] address : [*] ircname : Kelvin Wong Kelvin Wong Kelvin is currently a System Administrator, Public Relations Director and Strategic Marketing Manager for 123Webhost and Jupiter Technologies. His major expertise are in Linux and Solaris.