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Elmos the Dog (Kicked Out) Syanide (Inactive) Cyberb0b (Kicked Out - IRC Junkie) Dewdles (Kicked Out - ANSI weenie) Merecanc¡as Adicto (Inactive) -+- +---------+ | Greets! | +---------+ SN - "pssst...hey buddy, wanna buy a chick?" Switch Tech Mitch - Su switch es mi switch. Grasias. PLA - Glad to see things in Palestine are going your way now. IBM - I was "big blue" once, until Miss March came along... MoToRoLa - Good luck. Motorola - Blow me. Juliet - Miss March has a major crush on you! edison/tdd - There's life beyond IRC d00d. se7en - How do we unsubscribe from the defcon mail list? eight - You must be more elite than se7en eh? Poe - Sing about us, not those MOD weenies! Presence - Its not christmas silly. Parmaster - Sorry about the bugs in the chip, will be fixed by version 2.0 +-------+ | Intro | +-------+ Well, amazing at it may seem, we are one issue away from going into triple digits! Issue 100 will probably not be released for awhile though, since we already started out "One Hundredth Issue Celebration" party. But, in the meantime, enjoy 99. Before we get started, we'd like to say thanks to all of the loyal fans who make it all worthwhile. We've had to move the web server twice to accomodate all the hits we're getting. The flak mailbox is overflowing, as usual. Sorry for the time it takes to reply, but as you've all found out, we do reply to everything we get, so bear with us. +------------------+ | Summercon Review | +------------------+ Well, it was hell on Miss March's car, but it was worth it. We left FLaK World Headquarters bright and early (2:30 pm) Monday morning, and rolled to a stop in Washington D.C. bright and early Friday morning (about 5:00 pm). BofH was a bit tipsy, so we left him in the trunk until we got our hotel room. We tried to use one of our cards to get the room, but the hotel didn't accept Texaco (we run into that problem a lot). After we carried our luggage (the Sparc20's, the Meridian, and BofH) up to our room, we set out looking for hackers! They weren't hard to find. Back in the lobby of the hotel, we spotted somebody typing away at a terminal behind the reservation desk! After talking to him for a few minutes, we figured out that he was the hotel manager (It was the part where he said, "I'm the hotel manager." that gave him away). We told him it was pretty cool that he was a hacker, and there was a hacker con in his hotel. He tried to deny being a hacker, and said he was just entering some reservations. Duh...like that isn't what a hacker would be doing. At the time, I thought he was sortof grumpy...I was wrong. Saturday he was grumpy! Anyway. We wandered around looking for more hackers, but all we found around were a bunch of people in black t-shirts. There must've been a Nine Inch Nails concert in town or something. So, we went back up to the room to get BofH. He still hadn't sobered up, and somehow he managed to hook one of the Sun's into the cable tv box. +------------------------+ | FLaK Labs Presents... | +------------------------+ The Doughnut Box Every phreak knows the value of boxes. The red-box, the blue-box, and FLaK labs own pizza-box, and cardboard-box. Well, we at FLaK labs are proud to present our latest discovery, the "Doughnut Box"! The Doughnut Box is not really a "hacking" tool, but it is still a valuable tool that no hacker or phreak should be without. ITEMS NEEDED: 1 box, with glass-face. 1 package doughnuts. 1 hammer (small) CONSTRUCTION: Take box, mount on wall. Insert doughnuts. Place placard stating, "In Case Of Raid, Break Glass" on front of box. USE: Self-explanatory. Make sure that the doughnut box is placed conspicously near any computer equiptment that you might have. In case you are raided, the cops/feds/AOL stockholders will be searching your house, looking for any dangerous items you might have. About the time they see your computer, they will also notice the Doughnut Box attached to the wall. At this point, they will abandon their search. They will be overcome with the urge to break the glass and enjoy a tasty doughnut. This will give you plenty of time to run WIPEINFO, and kill all your k0d3z! +--------------------------+ | Telco Sewers with Sarts! | +--------------------------+ So there I was, passing the 15th block still running from this linewoman, and boy was she fast! I had a good 20 yard but I was getting tired and she still seemed pissed. Besides, she wasn't using the handset when I found it. Anyway, I ended up running over 2 miles before I fell into an open manhole (not the ex-flak member!). After I recovered from the fall I ducked down further into the darkness and watched as she ran by the hole. Lucky me! I had heard about telco sewers and figured this must be one since I had a new handset and since the linewoman stopped to look down there. She was probably making sure all the codes were still down here. I wasn't sure exactly what to look for so I headed down one tunnel. After exploring for hours I ran across a section with lots of wires running along the walls and figured I had found what I was looking for. I couldn't tell the difference between the wires so I just clipped on to the first two I could find. A few hours later I woke up and got my bearings. I couldn't remember right off where I was but it came back quickly. That must have been one hell of a phone call! Knocked me off my feet! I tried again hoping I would remember it but it just didn't happen. It must have been a long time before I woke up. Make sure you have a lot of time if you plan on using a handset in a telco sewer, for some reason the calls take a lot longer! Sarts +-----------------------+ | Flak Labs Presents... | +-----------------------+ Our new linux distribution.. Flakware '96 Lets face it, hackers have been around for a long time, and because of evil corporations like microsoft have not developed an operating system for us! But things have changed now.. BofH, Tprof, Miss March, and I (sarts!) have been developing the OS of the future! Since linux is freely available, and we stole the source code from a hacked system (elite eh!), we modded it heavily and are now releasing it to the public. You can get a copy from our ftp site as usual (we upgraded to T1) or if you need it on disk, mail us and we can arrange to have it shipped to you. Features of Flakware '96 2.0.1! * super secure login... * ISS built into the kernel... * root's password doesn't default to 'none' anymore... Of course, we can't tell you what it is for security... * x-windows looks exactly like Win95 for ease... * ppp daemon has diverting features... * kernel assigns random IP address and hostname to fool logs... * device drivers for Packard Bell remote control unit... * better naming conventions for popular utilities... * sendmail comes with advanced mailbombing features... * new accounts automatically subscribe to major security mail lists.. * comes with netcom's, dockmaster's, and other system password files for easy reference... * irc comes precompiled with flash, nuke, and war utils... * and much much more! As you can see, we have stocked this special version of linux with tons of helpful features others have forgotten. As usual, feel free to mail us with any suggestions, bug fixes, source code, idea, or anything else! +-------+ | Outro | +-------+ Thats it for now.. stay tuned for our 100th issue! After our 100th issue party and after attending Defcon in Las Vegas, we will keep writing to please the masses. If you have any questions about this issue, feel free to mail me! Sarts