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RedBoxChiliPepper - Your band rules! Tell Flea we said "Hi". Cavalier - Why are you named after Miss March's car? k2 - You can't make a mountain out of a molehill Samsara - Sam-I-Nam says you must change your nick Emmanuel - Why did you make all those "Emmanuel" porno movies? Blacklisted!411 - U.F.O. Thoughts...Tech Support BBS's... Bathroom Men...etc. Damn, we thought *we* had a hard time coming up with ideas for articles. TBI - Sorry we mentioned you in a previous issue. It won't happen again. Mucho Maas - How Mucho Maas? The Public - Sorry, FLAK World HQ has a sign that says "No Admittance To The Public" Nothing personal. Alaska - Hows the weather up there? MOD - We're getting a SoundCard so we can listen to all your elite .mod philes! Murchurochrome - You are NOT allowed to go drinking with Miss March. Don't even ask. Thomas (our next - Sorry the Secret Service got our addresses door neighbor) mixed up, and raided you the other day. We'll mow your lawn until you get out. Secret Service - Back off, damnit. This is the last time we will tell you. U.S. West - Again, we really can't thank you enough. K-Mart - Sucks +-------+ | Intro | +-------+ Here we are again, ready to dish out more elite inph0 for our loyal readers. And once again, BofH is away from 303 scoping out the phone system in Mexico. So here I am, Tprof to save the day! (and catch r00t maybe). We here at FLaK celebrated the other day, for several reasons. Thirty successful releases of our zine, I caught root on my 100th machine (syslog r00lz), and Sarts was chased for 7 blocks (new record!) by a Telco thug! Anyway, here it is.. feel free to mail me if you have any questions about this issue.. in case you didn't realize, whoever does the intro is in charge of answering questions for that paticular issue. So, mail me on this one if you need help, or have questions.. -tpr0f +--------------+ | 7-11 Hacking | +--------------+ Well, I was out and about, trying to find that elusive Sarts when I stopped by a 7-11 to get some phresh snax. While I was in I noticed the ATM so I decided to scope out the phone line it was on. It was obvious I couldn't cardboard box off this line, since Hodgie behind the counter might notice the box, and decide to take it to his alley to live in. I couldn't do much with the phone line so I thought I would check the balance on my ATM card (300 dollar balance bitch!) and maybe pull some cash out to get more snax. I entered my sekrut code and got 20 bucks out and took my receipt. Being the hacker that I am, I though maybe there would be a misprint somewhere and perhaps a new code, but not this time. What I did find, was a coupon for a free big gulp! K0d3z!!! I hacked 7-11 and got phree drinks! On my next visit, I just did an account balance, and once again, I hacked another big gulp! If you don't have an ATM card, you are out of luck though, so happy big gulp hacking! Johnny Cosmos +------------------------------------+ | Hacking Free Drinks from Taco Bell | +------------------------------------+ This is a rather simple hack. Not much to it, I would call it a SE, but the people you are dealing with are not really social. So, yer driving through Taco Bell, order something, or don't. However, make sure there are people BEHIND you. The more the better. Order what you need. Pull upto the window, as you are about to pull out ask for a glass of water. The Taco Bell employee will then become pissed off at you and feel the need to blow up your car (I don't cover Pyrotech). Instead of taking the time to fill up a glass of water to push your ass out of there they will just grab what is cloest to them and hand it to you, saying something on the lines of "Foo I an't got dah time, take this." Score, you hacked it. Review: This is good when you are thirsty, this has a 100% success rate when done in the correct conditions from what I have observed. You might end up getting a lamer who will fill you a glass of water. As you are driving away shoot obsenities at them sush as "Your father was 10 day, and your mother courried at 1200!" they will probably not get this, but that does not matter. The only bad part about this is that you don't know what you get. Its a mystery suprise. You could probably request that your water be diet coke. But they will most likely tell you to fuck off and you will be left with nothing. Sam-I-Nam +--------------------------------------------+ | Coding/Hacking Your Way Out of a Paper Bag | +--------------------------------------------+ Intro: It has been brought to my attention that the coders of Microsquish cannot code their way out of a paper bag. I find this easy to believe. Since, if they cannot code their way out of a paper bag than that is a good excuse for releasing shit like Windoze'95. In this article I hope to bring light to this whole 'paper bag' thing, in which will lead the way for people who say they still use black boxs on ESSes and swear that the lpr bug will work on Netcum will one day 'hack their way out of a paper bag'. The Paper Bag: It appears that when you enter a scene of your expertise you are first thrown into the paper bag. To get out of this paper bag you must in some way prove yourself to those allready outside this paper bag that you can infact do what your expertise is. Coding/Hacking your way out: Since it doesn't matter what language you program your way out in, I sugest whatever is easiest for you. First, you must realize that you are not surounded by 6 sides like in a box, but actually 7 sides (which is where some people find trouble getting out of the 'cardboard box' thing). What you need to do is set how big each side is, making sure one side is smaller than the rest. That the size of the size gap between on of the regular sides and the side that is too small. Use this new size and subtract a small ammount to define your size. Then proceed to move yourself between the two sides. Now, you hack your way you will have to be sneaky. You are going to have to try and find one of many holes on the bag and exploit them. By doing so you might get to the outside if the hole is deep enough. To find these holes you are either going to have to search to whole bag for ages or you will have to take advice from people on the outside and to where these hole might be, and how to exploit them. You will also have to work fast enough so that other people on the outside who are not sympathetic to your cause will not have time to patch these holes. It is posible the brute force a wall in the bag. However, most people on the outside will not think better of you because anyone can brute force, you just have to have enough time. Exit: Now you are out of the paper bag. You can try and lead others out, or you can make fun of them as you watch them hit their heads against the walls (these paper bags are like one way mirrors, you can see inside them from the outside, but not inside to the out). Or you can hint to them what to do which is what most people like to do as they don't want 'lamers' runing around. If a lamer is found on the outside some of the better known outsiders will try and build another bag around this 'lamer'. Sam-I-Nam +----------------------------+ | The FLaK Guide to Trashing | +----------------------------+ As we all know, "trashing" is an important part of a hackers daily routing. But, of course, you should be concened about what to do if you were to get caught while trashing. We decided that it was important to have a good story to use in case we got caught. Unfortunatly, we couldn't think of one. Okay, we though, how about a lame story, then. Nope, we cound't think of a lame story, either. Since we couldn't think of a story to tell the police if they happened to show up, we decided it would be best to just bring the police with us, and have them provide an escort right to the dumpster. We started by gathering all the trash that was piled up around FLaK World Headquarters. Mostly empty pizza boxes and milk cartons. We loaded it up into the FLaK-mobile, and with Miss March at the wheel, we headed out. Our first stop was at El Doughnut Grande, which is combination Mexican food / doughnut shop. It is only two blocks away from a certain telephone company office that we were pretty sure would have some interesting trash in it's dumpster. Before we even pulled into the parking lot, we could see that we were in luck: There were two partol cars parked there! We waited until the cops walked out, and as soon as they did, we began dumping our trash into the dumpster at El Doughnut Grade, as conspicuosly as possible. The cops noticed us, of course, and walked over to where we were. Cop: "Excuse me, but what are you doing?" BofH: "Just throwing away the rest of our trash, sir." Cop: "Didn't you see the sign? It says that this is a private dumpster, and leaving your trash here is prohibited." BofH: "Yeah, but we saw the same sign at the other place where we just dumped a bunch of stuff, and nobody there seemed to mind, so we thought it was okay." Cop: "No, it isn't okay. What other place are you talking about?" BofH: "I don't know, it is a building a couple of blocks from here. We just dumped a bunch of papers there." Tproff:"And maybe some manuals, too. We can't remember for sure." Cop: "Well, I'm sorry, but you're going to have to remove your trash from this dumpster, you can't just go around using other peoples dumpsters like this. People pay money for this service." BofH: "Yes sir, we understand. In fact, we'd be happy to go take the stuff we threw away in the other dumpster, too, so we can dispose of it properly." Cop: "That would be a good idea." Tproff: "Sir, would you mind coming with us? We would hate for somebody to think that we are throwing stuff away there again, when all we are really doing is trying to correct our mistake. It is only a couple of blocks away." Cop: "No problem, son. I'm always glad to help a person who is honestly trying to make right of a wrong." So, with that, piled back into the FLaK-mobile and headed for the phone company, with our "escort" right behind us. We pulled right right back to the dumpster, and began unloading. Miss March picked up some doughnuts while Tproff and I were talking to the cop, so as Tproff and I were filling the car with the phone companys trash, Miss March was sharing a tasty doughnut with the cop. Several phone company employees noticed us, but, seeing that a policeman was there, they must have figured that we weren't stealing their trash, and they left us alone. The dumpster was emptied, the car was filled. Our mission was a success. We thanked the officer for his help, and went back to FLaK World Headquarters for a celebration. - BofH +-------+ | Outro | +-------+ Well, sorry this issue was somewhat short, with the release of our last issue (2.3 megs! plus the video), we are just flat out tired! The good news is, we have a new site on the net (sekrut), and a new mail list manager (majordomo), so send us mail to get the new issues as they come out. Until next issue, hack the planet!! - Tpr0f