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Panther Modem (Application still Pending) Luke Vaxhacker (Kicked Out) Manhole (Busted - Sex for codes don't work!) -+- +---------+ | Greets! | +---------+ Satanz Kids - Didn't we see you on A Current Affair? Deathstar's Kids - Star Wars rooled huh? TBI - Don't fuxor with us bitch Praetorians - Learn some, then join FLaK Chr0nic - Nice board!! Fred @ USWest - Thanx for the passwords! Omegamaster - Gimme your elite comm program! Dan Farmer - Let us know if you need help with SATAN 3.0 Voyager - Your FAQ is so imcomplete, work on it. Lexicon Devil! - Welcome to 303! Have fun at Jasmine's! Kano - Yer lame (in a BIG weigh) Angel - Hope to see you on IRC!! Deadrat - Are you even alive? Bill Gates - We know you lead the Praetorians Crow T. Robot - Our new IRC Bot (/msg crow HELP) +-------+ | Intro | +-------+ Sarts here! You ask why I am doing the intro? BofH and Tprof are on the way to Las Vegas for Defcon 3!! Lucky them. They decided not the pay for MM and I to go with them (bastards!). If you are there say hi to them, as they will be on the main floor with a laptop and showing how to hack the FCIC computers! Since they are doing the demos, Dark Tangent payed their way and helped them out with a car to sleep in! Next, we here at FLaK apologize for the delay in this issue. I know its been a while since we released, but this issue should please our reading audience. We'd also like to say hi to our new readers in Japan, Bolivia, and Yemen! Thanks for carrying our files in those exotic countries! On to FLaK! +--------------------------------+ | The FLAK Guide To Telco Sewers | +--------------------------------+ F.L.A.K. has been hearing about Telco sewers for quite some time now. We really couldn't understand what the big deal was, or why the Telco would need their very own sewers. We decided it was time see for ourselves, so we piled into Miss March's car, and off we went, in search of a telco sewer. We drove for about three hours, but we never found any sign of a Telco sewer. Since we were running low on gas, we decided we couldn't just drive around all night, so we stopped at a pay phone, and called the operator. dialing 0.....ring, ring... USW : "US West, can I help you?" FLAK: "Yes, we are trying to find a telco sewer, but we aren't having any luck." USW : "You're trying to find a what?" FLAK: "A telco sewer, ma'am." USW : "I'm sorry, but I have no idea what you are talking about. Can you tell me what a telco sewer is?" FLAK: "No, that is why we are looking for one. If we knew what one was, we wouldn't need to find one." USW : "Well, if you don't even know what it is, then why do you need to find one?" FLAK: "Well, if you don't even know what it is, then why are you working for U.S. West? I mean, it seems to me that they would try to teach their employees how to answer questions like this." USW : "Well, I have to tell you, this is the first time anybody has asked me anything about sewers. Are you sure you've called the right place?" FLAK: "Well, we don't know. Maybe we should call the information operator, since it looks like you don't have any information." USW : "I don't think that will help you, but you're welcome to try." FLAK: "Okay, thanks. Do you know the number for the information operator?" USW : "Uhhhh....that number would be 1411." FLAK: "Okay, thanks very much. Bye." USW : "Thank you for calling." -click- Okay, as you can see, we did not find any information on telco sewers, but we did social engineer the number for the information operator from the other operator! Too eleet! So, keep this in mind. Whenever you want to get inpho from an operator, you will probably not get the inpho you want, but you may learn other things if you ask the right questions, and pay close attention. T-Prof +----------------------+ | The HOT Solder bomb. | +----------------------+ A couple of days ago, I was thinking about what I could do to make a bomb that would create enough heat to melt solder, and then throw it everwhere. It would do quite an ammount of damage. Materials needed : ammount 1 - Flair that you buy at like an auto store.. like the ones you would use for help if you were stranded on the highway. 1 - One CO2 bomb. (Instructions for CO2 bomb at the end of this file). OR - one pipe bomb. 1 - Soldering Iron or Gun. 4 - Ping Pong Balls. What you do : Alright. This is the hard part, even though it is all rather easy. Find a surface.. I prefer my garage.. but I would suggest anywhere outside. Take your flair, and lie it on it's side. Now, plug in your soldering gun/iron, and solder the entire side (the part that is facing towards you - not the top). Allow it to dry completely. Then, roll to the other side, and do the same. Once that is entirely dry, you will need to take out your CO2 bomb. You will be laying it with the fuse facing the place where you start the flair. So sort of hold them together (the CO2 bomb and the solder covered flair) with the CO2 bomb at the bottom (still, the fuse facing upwards towards the place that you hit to start it) and you will now begin to solder the CO2 bomb to the solder covered flair. Once TOTALLY secure, you are set for the Ping Pong Balls. Take the 4 ping pong balls, and solder them from top to bottom (or so the flair lites one, and the one lites another, etc until it gets to the fuse of the CO2 bomb, igniting the fuse to the CO2 bomb). The purpose of this would be igniting the CO2 bomb. Flairs do not burn down like sparklers, it just all comes out the top. Ping Pong Balls are very flammable, so if you line them up like that, the flair will start one, and then the one will start another, and another until there are no Ping Pong Balls left. The ping pong balls will start the CO2 bomb as well as add a sticky effect to the solder (depending on what kind of ping pong balls). Some ping pong balls have different colors - these different colors are plastic, and they melt down to a sticky liquid. Some ping pong balls are just that - ping pong balls, and will not add the sticky effect. Some advanced Pyrotechnics may also want to add some Napalm for some nice effects as well. I personally hate that shit. How it works : When you start the flair, it gets very hot. That heat allows the solder to get hot and start to melt as well as ignite the ping pong balls. The ping pong balls burn down in the trail of balls, allowing time for the solder to get even hotter, and stay that way. When the ping pong balls finally meet the fuse to the CO2 bomb(or pipe bomb) and starts the fun. If your CO2 bomb(or pipe bomb) is a success, you have a mighty good bomb. This bomb will throw metal (if a CO2 bomb or a metal pipe bomb), hot solder will go everwhere, and if the flair still has something left in it (it sure as hell should) the bomb will blow that up, and will resault in a realy nice light and heat show.. :) Now for the plans for a CO2 bomb. (VERY easy) ammount 1 - Empty CO2 canister.. used for some BB guns, and in the 'Insta-Pump' Reebok shoes. 1 - Nice fuse that will fit in the top of the CO2 canister. (bottle rocket fuse works great). 3 - D size engines for model rockets - found in Hobby Lobby, or places like that. 1 - Nail. 1 - Funnel. 1 - Hot glue gun. 10 - Pieces of paper (this is what I use. You can use anything you want). Unwrap the D size engines. Take the white shit off of the hard packed black powder, and let the hard packed black powder sit in water for a while (few hours). While the hard powder becomes fine powder, we will empty the air out of the CO2 cartridge. Now just take the nail, and shove it in the little whole as far as possible. Now take it out... there should be a nice big hole. Now you just wait until the hard packed black powder it dissolved... checking up on it every once in awhile. Once it is dissolved, pour it out on the paper or whatever you chose to use. You just allow it to dry, or if you are in a hurry, use a blow dryer to speed up the process. Once dry, scrape it off. You now have the PERFECT powder. Grab your funnel, and pour the black powder into the CO2 cartridge hole. Now take your fuse, and shove it in the CO2 cartridges hole. Whip out your hot glue gun, and glue around the fuse (this prevents anything getting in there that we don't want, like water, etc.. Also, it keeps powder from falling out, etc). -Syanide PS. I have to give a little credit to P*M (asshole) for the making of black powder. He deserves it. But that is all. (he taught that method to me). +----------------------------------+ | FLaK's Guide to Super Encryption | +----------------------------------+ This is a short but very sweet article on how to fed proof your elite info! I was sitting around talking about encryption with the big guys, Phil Zimmerman, Elmos the Dog, etc, and thought of a great way to further help out in the battle for privacy. Take your file.. flak00.txt encrypt: pgp -e flak00.txt FLaK edit the encrypted file: edit flak00.pgp go to a line of your choice (say line 50), and insert a line of garbage. save the file send it. Now you have a file that is not only PGP encrypted, but if they try to decrypt it, they won't be able to. If you are encrypting for yourself, then just remember where the fake line is. If you are sending it, make sure your target knows which to remove so that s/he can successfully decrypt the message. There you go! Sarts! +-------------------+ | The Cardboard Box | +-------------------+ As every fone phreak knows, boxes are a daily part of our lives. This article will explain some of the common boxes, as well as some previously unrealesed boxes created at FLAK Laborotories (the basement at FLAK World Headquarters). Every fone phreak knows about the red box. What you may not know, is that it does not have to be red! Thats right! We built a red box that was actually blue, and it worked! We highly recomend that anyone interested in building a red box does like we did, and make their red boxes blue. What is the advantage in this? Simple. Red boxing is illegal, but since there is no such thing as a "blue box", you should be able to fool the telephone company and the feds by explaining to them that you are not red-boxing, you are blue-boxing. You can even show them you blue-colored red box as proof. They would probably be pretty embarased! Another common box is the beige box. Unlike the red box, the beige box actually has to be beige. We found this out when we saw a telephone guy plugging his little fone into a box on the side of somebodys house. "Hey!", we yelled. "A you a fone phreaker, phreaking some phree fone call?" He got mad, and chased us away (that is always happening to us!). So we decided he was not a fone phreak, and his fone was orange, not beige. So, telefone guys use orange boxes, phreaks use beige boxes. The Cardboard Box ----------------- This is a pretty simple box to build. Assuiming you are at least moderatly technically inclined, you should have no trouble building your very own Cardboard Box. During one of FLAK's many Trashing Expeditions at King Soopers, we noticed that they threw away a lot of cardboard boxes, some of which were very large. So, we took one and stashed it in the back of Miss March's car. After driving around for about two hours to make sure we weren't being followed, it was time to put our Cardboard Box to use! We pulled up to a telco box on the side of the road, and placed the box on top of it. Then, we crawled underneath the box, and presto! Nobody could see us making our phree fone calls! Anybody driving by would just see a box, on the side of the road. They would think to themselves, "There are no fone phreaks there, just a big box.", and keep driving. So, it would be in the best interests of all fone phreaks to invest in a Cardboard Box. Safety first. +-----------------------+ | Movie Review: The Net | +-----------------------+ Welp, we managed to sneak into the movie 'The Net' starring that babe Sandra Buttocks. Us FLaK members would never stoop to pay for a movie, even a hacker flick! The first thing I have to say is WOW! This movie tells how great the net is and how valuable a tool it is. Look at what all they can hack!! We here at FLaK will be doing a LOT more web stuff in the future! The movie starts out with the hacker babe (not as good as Miss March though) messing with someones web page, and finding 0 day info! An evil team of hackes called the Pro(somethings) changed her info all over the net, and spammed her good. So good in fact, she couldn't use any of her codes! The only technical BS we had to sit through was some evil hacker listening in on a cell conversation (like that could be done). The other activities were so real, we thought she should be an honory FLaK member! Welcome to the group 'Angel'! This is a must see and a **** star movie! Elmos the Dog +------------+ | Conclusion | +------------+ That concludes this issue of FLaK. Once again, thanks for all the feedback. It is nice to read your feedback for three hours a day and reply to you individually.