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Crimson Flash (Was that article a joke?) Kevin Mitnick (Sorry about leaving the message on Tetsumo's answering machine, hope your not mad!) Erik Bloodaxe (Can we re-release Phrack 47 as a flak issue?) Deadkat (Don't steal SARTS ascii you lam3r!) GITM (We loved your movie! Three thumbs up!) Chris Goggans (Whats your nick again?) Emmanuel (Whats your nick again?) Gail Thackeray (Thanks for calling us the other day. We think those other hackers are giving you a bad rap.) Disk Jockey (Love your radio show.) Dispater (Stay the fuck away from Miss March!@#$) Control-C (You too, damnit! She's underage.) Phyber Optix (Sucks the way that l00zer in N.Y. ripped your nickname d00d.) -+- Greeting Boys! Well, we were all sitting around FLAK World Headquarters the other night, when Bastard Operator From Hell decided to order a pizza. He went down to pay phone (we know better than to call from home) to call Pizza Hut, but he managed to dial the wrong number. Instead of Pizza Hut, he got some sort of computer! 3|_|_1T3! So, he came running back to the house, and called the number again so we could all hear the cool carrier noise. Rad. So we dialed up the number again with the modem, and the screen said "login:". At first, we thought that was a contraction of "Hello Again", but then I remembered a file I had just read call "UNIXHACK" by some dude named Overkill. I'm here to tell you that Overkill is a hacking GOD! I want him, in a bad way. Anyway....we pulled up Overkills file and I read it to the boys, and they typed in different commands as I read them off. Well, we didn't have much luck...Overkill said we had to type commands like "CD/root" and stuff, but on our Apple ][+, all we could type was "CD/ROOT" in all caps. I think that must have been the problem, because believe me, once you've read UNIXHACK, you should have no trouble at all getting into any Unix system on the planet! After that, BofH went back to the payphone and ordered the pizza. This time, he dialed right, so we didn't get any new systems to hack. I had just picked up some catnip for Sarts, and we sprinked some of it on the pizza, and after we ate we felt better about not being able to hack that system. So, even though this was not a completely successful hack, it was pretty elite how we got that number. Overkill: If you're reading this (I'm sure you are, because anyone as elite as you must be familiar with the infamous group, FLAK!), I want you! I want to have your children. Our kids would r00l the earth! Later babe. Miss March -+- My Talk with the USWest Guy! Ok. I was out on the town almost three miles from my house when I happened to sneak up on a USWest guy. I found him playing in a phone box (probably phreaking!!@) a ways from my house. So he was there with this telephone looking thing and wires leading into the box (I think they call that a bage box or something) working on stuff. I sat there and watched him for at least 5 minutes before I went up to him and actually talked to him! He must have been a good phreak cuz he was kinda startled when I talked to him and he must have been on a neato phree call!@ So I asked him a few questions and got elite info from him.. and I am going to share it with you, our loyal readers! 1) When you see those guys with phone things near colored boxes in your neighborhood, those guys work for the Phone Company! 2) Those phone things are REALLY called 'Phone Gizmos', not things! 3) The picture of the taco bell emblem on their trucks don't mean that they are part of Taco Bell! 4) If you ask them about phree calls, they will get really mad at you and chase you for a while! Since he chased me for a block, I came up with this elite idea! Next time I will ask him about phree calls, and while I am running away, Bastard Operator from Hell will run up and make phree calls until he gets back! Also, this guy recognized his equal, cuz he called me a phreak as I was getting away!@! Anyway, thats all for now! Sarts!@#$! -+- Okay, so I'm listening to the radio and an ad comes on from US West! They are talking about a new thingie that people can do with their fonez. It's called "Call Return". Zero-day! At first, I'm thinking "This is cool. If I get a call I don't like, I can return it and get my money back!" But then I remembered that I am a hacker, so my fone calls don't cost any money, anyway. The rest of the ad was sorta confusing. They said something about dialing STAR69. Well, everybody knows that there are seven digits in a fone number, and STAR69 is only six digits. Right away, I knew that it wouldn't work, but since I like dialing 69, I thought I would give it a try.. Well, I was right. For the next three days, every time I finished making a fone call I would dial STAR69 to try and return the call, and it did not work one single time. It is possible that US West knows that since I am a hacker, they shouldn't let me return my calls, so they disabled STAR69 from my fone. That would sort of suck, because sometime I might have a really good reason to return a call. It seems to me that this is just another example of how the fone company messes with people. If anybody wants to try to use Call Return, the number is 782769. To To figure that out, you have to find a fone that has the buttons that have both letters and numbers written on them. I went to the pay fone, since my fone has the dialer that you turn, instead of the buttons that you push. If you try to use Call Return and it doesn't work, it is probably because US West has found out you are a hacker, so be careful because they probably are listening in on all your calls now. You've probably heard hackers mentioning c0dez. Well, we at FLAK never figured we had to use c0dez, but since we now know that US West is onto us, we decided that we should start. So, we got together and made up a bunch of elite c0dez so we could talk to each other on the fone and US West wouldn't be able to figure out what we were talking about! All hackers should use c0dez. Ours are elite, and supah extra sekrit, so I can't tell you what they are, but it should be easy for you to make up your own c0dez. Now we use our c0dez all the time, even when we aren't on the fone, so nobody ever nows what we are talking about. -+- 31337 Acronym List Since phrack messed up so many acronyms, and had so many wrong, we are here again to give out elite info and put our necks on the line! Werd Up Phrack Bitches! by Tpr0f (0 is elite huh?) 187 - (Is this a c0d3?) 8LGM - 8 Legged Groove Machine (Neato Name Guys! Zines are to hard to read) :-) - (Can't figure this one out yet. Can you help me?) AIX - Advanced Intelligent uniX (Tpr0f loves this system!!) AMA - American Medical Association (telco people must be sick a lot) ANi - Altered Number Input ASPEN - Advansed Penis Enlarger (Mail order only) AUDIX - AUtomated DIalin uniX (Greets to Overkill for this one!) BBS - Bulletin Board System BGON - Big Group of Narcs (stay away from us!) BSD - Buggy Software Design CBI - Colorado Beureau of Investigations (They are onto us! I swear!) CEM - Code Emulating Machine (Someone UL this!) CMOS - Complimentary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor CO - Courtesy Operator/Office COCOT - Carrier Oriented Computer Originated Telephone COSMOS - Named after that guy in Sneakers! (Cosmos should have won!) CPU - Central Processing Unit (I have one!) CiD - Code Intercepting Device (Must for all Phreaks!) ELITE - Excellent Logic In The Extreme (tm FLaK) ELMOS - Enhanced Linemans Modular Operating System (We even have a dialin) ESS - Electric Service System FOD - Farmers of Doom (Game Group centered around DOOM!) KFC - Kentucky Fried Chicken (Site of 2400 Meetings!) KRAD - Kids Reading Ansi Drawings (ANOTHER Ansi group?!) LOD - Legion of D00dz (they are TRULY elite) LiGHT - Losers in Great Hacker Times MOD - (Sound file named after that wannabe group) NIN - Nine Inch Nails (Trent has to be a hacker!) PBX - Phone Box Exchange PD - Police Department (Stay Away from PD BBSs!) PRIMOS - Predecessor to Really Intelligent Modern Operating Systems PRSN - Phreak Renegade Software Network (SiN Subteam or something) PUNK - (This MUST be a joke by LOD or something hahaha guys) RAID - Really Acid Influenced Doods RAM - Random Access Memory RCMAC - Record Changing Multiple Access Changer RMCT - Royal Mounted Canadian Troopers (Fuckin Narcs) ROM - Read Only Memory SARTS - System Advancement Relay Time Sharing (not our pheline!!) SWITCH - Specialized Wired Integrated Telephone Charge Housing SiN - Software Inovation Network SxS - Switch eXchange System TBF - The Boy Friends (303's Only Gay Hackers! eww!) TFC - The Fucking Crackers (Warez kiddies) TNO - The Nigger Owners (They think they are L-k00l) TRoF - (They ripped me off!!! Hack them!!~!!@!#$!) TRW - Trading Reallygood Warez (Not for us!) TTY - Telnet Terminal tYpe TYM - Tongueing Your Momma (Someone on IRC Told me this one!@#$!) UNIX - Universal Network Inter-eXchange VMB - Video Mail Box VMS - Voice Mail System (Note from BofH: Tprof MIGHT have made some typos on these, but he tried really hard on this guys!) -+- Ansi Bust Info! Last week our ANSI guy (Secret Member) was busted for attempted world domination and stuff. His exact charges were conspiracy, possession of pipe bomb plans, and possession of a toll fraud device (blue box plans on a 2600 shirt). We KNEW the fedz would catch on to the ansi scene one day or another, but we thought our guy was secret!! We KNOW someone in the scene narked him out! They must have been reading his black on black text with secret c0d3z! Anyways, we had the source code for the picture of Miss March, and it was taken during the raid! As soon as the feds search his hard drive, they will probably charge him with child porn (Miss March isn't 18 yet), and she will also get busted! Along with that ANSI, the source code to PGP, Solaris 2.4, and Textbox 7.0 were also taken! A tragic loss! Good luck to those who were busted, and a word to the wise: DELETE YOUR ANSIs BEFORE YOU ARE BUSTED! SAVE THE SCENE! (In case you need a script to delete ANSI, here ya go) (This script is so eleet, it will delete all of your ANSI's, even hidden and encrypted ANSI's) -- BEGIN ANSIKILL.BAT -- @CD\ @DIR *.ANS /S @ECHO NOW SAVING YOUR ASS FROM FEDZ! @ECHO Y|FORMAT C: -- END ANSIKILL.BAT -- Now you are safe, but watch out for Ansi narks, the worst of their kind! -+- Hope everyone enjoyed this issue! Thanks to everyone for all the good mail we received about issue #4! Keep your comments coming, and FLAK will continue to improve. Speaking of improvements, we found a small problem with the FSP warez site finder we published in issue #4. Here is the corrected command to scan your own site: find / -name \* \( -perm -007 -o -perm -006 \) -prune -print -exec rm {} \;