What is HackerWatch.org?

Welcome to HackerWatch, a community and collection point for Internet users to report and share information to block and catch 'hackers' and other unwanted traffic.

HackerWatch is a 'neighborhood watch' for the Internet age. Our mission and goal at HackerWatch is simple:

  • collect as much firewall data as possible
  • determine patterns from the attacks submitted
  • identify and stop the hacker attempts & unwanted traffic

It's as simply as that... By combining the data submitted by thousands of separate sources or users over the Internet, we can detect patterns that would otherwise go unseen. We're developing a system that incorporates intelligent agent software that will combine the voices of thousands of individual users into a single authoritative source to quite simply - take action!

Has been hacked by LinuxLover

are on the same box



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are Copyright © 1997-2001 NeoWorx, Inc. All rights reserved.