

S0rry adms.......you is idiot :)

/\/ukkets owned you!

We are /\/ukkets, /\/ukkets if resuscitate 

The world now will dance to the sound of the nukkets!H0h0h0!

Ae adms is smart of next time...

(Not deleted,just renomed)

"k3rn3l the terror of the net"

"Para evitar críticas, não faça nada, não diga nada, não seja nada"

Brazil the best!

GreetZ:Crime Lordz,P(\)W,limit.br and my friends

Special GreetZ t0:



/\/ukkets Team ::k3rn3l:::FASA:::JANUS:::p4n3l::Luwnd::Sky_man

k3rn3l was where ....!:)

G00d bye adms idiot....


I'm k3rn3l