Pacific States University is an international professional school offering degrees at the bachelor's and graduate levels in business administration, computer science, and electrical engineering. These programs are based on the most up-to-date materials and classroom activities designed to have high student appeal. PSU's objectives put students first.

The College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Pacific States University provides educational programs leading to a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, a Master of Science in Electrical Engineering, and a Master of Science in Computer Science.

These programs are based on the fundamental principles of analysis, synthesis, and experimentation. Students obtain a careful balance of training for deductive and inductive reasoning. Classroom discussion is enhanced by laboratory experimentation designed to emphasize established principles and concepts.

The College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science was established in 1928 as the Radio Institute of California, specializing in audio and acoustical engineering for the movie industry. In 1939, the school was reorganized as Pacific States University by Dr. Harry Evans.

Between 1942 and 1944, PSU trained students in electrical engineering. From 1951 to 1981, PSU trained electrical engineers for missile and space programs. Since 1981, the emphasis has been on digital control and digital systems, including computer systems. This latest change has attracted a large number of international students.

Classroom work is augmented by laboratory assignments and field trips designed to provide students with experience in applying theory to practical problems. A senior design lab is required of all students.

These courses give students a thorough knowledge of the basic sciences, of computer science, and electrical engineering principles. Students are prepared for entry-level computer science and electrical engineering positions in industry and government.

For more than forty years, Pacific States University offered only an engineering program. Then, in 1969, a program in business was created to address a specific need. Because of the contemporary community and international climate at that time, many graduates with engineering degrees wanted to move into positions with management responsibility or desired the knowledge necessary to operate a business. Graduates showed considerable interest in a proposed industrial management program that PSU developed. It was successful and grew rapidly. PSU then added other graduate programs as a result of suggestions from faculty, students, and evaluation teams that visited the campus.

The Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) programs became popular, but additional classes were needed for those students not prepared for advanced business courses. While setting up prerequisite courses, PSU received requests from Associate of Arts (A.A.) graduates from business colleges to establish a bachelor's degree program in business. As a result, PSU established a Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) program, which included the General Education requirements already established for the undergraduate engineering program.

The University now offers a B.B.A. in Accounting, Computers in Business, and Marketing. The M.B.A. is offered in International Business, Finance,Management of Technology, and Real Estate Management(pending).

PSU is an accredited as a Senior College by the
Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools (ACICS).
750 First Street, NE,Suite 980, Washington, D.C. 20002-4241.
(202) 336-6780

Degree Granting Authorization by is issued the
Bureau for Private Postsecondary and Vocational Education (BPPVE).
1027 10th Street, Fourth Floor, Sacramento, CA. 95814-3517
(916) 445-3427

For further information contact PSU
Phone : 323-731-2383 Fax : 323-731-7276

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