fux0r Inc.

i went the wong waei! or whatever... digital pimpslap? haha, ummmm jeauh... anyway sorry for the delay, had to take some time away so i could get laid... you understand how its is, but lucky for you it got rid of some rage ;oD
but damn *.gov.cn, you should be luvin us about now, i mean sheit, how long is this thingy sposed to continue anyway? oh wells... sowwy guys :o(


an as for you guys at xsagri, well...

\\cloud - nifty info thanks, ipc$? ;oD
\\vsat - thank woo verah verah mush...
\\web-server - yes well ya know...

user: admin
pass: fux0r-me-like-an-animal!

anyway i am beginning to lose interest in this thing already... pr0phets hinted towards the notion but how is this ever going to really get settled? you tag our sites, we loot and pileage yours. you get all pissy we get all pissy. we both say and do hateful things to each other till we're blue in the face or dead. anyway we're going to try a little bit of an american stress remedy mmmkay? good...

go snag the chronic sack away from the panda bear and roll it up tight, now just light the end, and feel alllright... there now, isnt that better? thought so...
signing off...
USA > *.CN

utinam logica falsa tuam philosophiam totam suffodiant!


greetings and salutations to: project china, p0ss0m, quit crew, herbless, jak, wyre, poisonb0x, neonlenz, hackweiser, spun, daex, gforce, net-mafia, wfd, the fellow disciples of the church of b0g & hey infedelz, allow me to make ammense by offering you a fat blunt and one of my many crack whores? ;oD

confucious say: usa numbah one! ching chang chewee!

breakfast of champions!

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