yeah baby! fearsome hacked another web site!
Wassup: antigod, CheesEE, droz, synical, Dysko, T0X1C, and the rest of whp

Fuck you: ansimation, IceQueen, ^OuIjA^, r3wt3d, #Helpdesk@DALnet, #Scripting@DALnet

Hiya Admin! Mebbe you heard about whp and mebbe you haven't. But you will never forget the crew that hacked your server! Oh my, no way ... you don't know how to secure this box? No problem, check out this security site for starters. After all, thats where I found the exploit that I used to hack you! Weeeeee ..... I'm out. Let's see, what can I paste here?

(8:01 pm) -IpAddress- but this channel wuz once hacked an also the founder got changed how come?
(8:01 pm) -IpAddress- or is it possible to hack a nick?
(8:02 pm) -IpAddress- hackin a nick?
(8:05 pm) -fearsome- fuckit
(8:08 pm) *** Quits: IpAddress (Fire@ (Ping timeout)
(8:09 pm) -fearsome- tada
(8:09 pm) -fearsome- owned
