
We'll it looks like you buncha' dorks got your asses hackerized by hackweiser & Warlord!
Welp Mr. K rad admin man, we aren't the type of naughty lil' hackers to erase files and steal the source code to your silly lil' asian motors...but one of the kids that finds our open inetd rootshell might have a slightly different agenda ]:) !

And what's up with all the ./wu kiddies who go around wu'ing the world and acting malicious, rooting, defacing, and basically FUCKING UP servers from poor countries? Have you no remorse? Have you no pity? It's kiddies like you who give the rest of us a bad name.
Hackweiser was looking at all the current defacements and we have seen that the "scene", if it still exists, has fallen into the hands of an exorbitant amount of people who worship rfp and whoever the guy who found out the first couple unicode bugs were...we hate you guy that found those bugs!
Around 90% of all of the defacements on mirrors now are just gay "echo -h4ck3r3d3d b1 sum1 3fr337! >C:\inetpub\wwwwroot\buttfuck.html".
We got some bad news kidd-0' matter how much you can defend yourself..

It's picking on the weakest server on the market right now and then jerking off with all your other windows friends and saying "god damn we can echo! maybe some security firm will pick us up after seeing our cool windows defacements gee golly gosh!".
Well kids sorry to break it to you but it just won't happen like that. But you windows defacers do have a promising field in security...say mall security, hall monitor, or the guy who walks around porn theaters with a flash light and tries to catch of glimpse of an over-zealous moron pounding the snot out of his "mr.peenie weenie".
Learn some skill you buncha' retards!
Dominated by Hackweiser in y2k+1 muva' fuhkuz!
Evil angelica, we love you, can we give you a donkey punch? Hey, maybe you can get naked for us at defcon and we'll touch you like your uncle always wanted to!
Hackweiser hearts Evil Angelica

Greetz: to the usual.

Fuck you'z to: gideon[zs] <-- ROFL, look at this kid ladies and gentlemen, he's a 20 year old skript kiddie named JOn Savage who goes around wu'ing the world and somehow thinks he's "l33t" by doing so. Funny as hell, he should be a comedian he's so pathetic.