Admin: Page is backed up, sploit is patched.
Every major raid has the same name. Sundevil. gH fell to it, Analyzer fell to it, and the fucking LOD ran from it.
Welp, everywhere you go you will here the rumour that a big massive wide "raid" will be happening nationwide. PTB was supposdly named as one of the groups who wished to be investigated.
Feds, you cannot scare us.
Your tactics to waiver people's loyalty against their groups and own morale codes might work on undernet or some packeting/take-over groups, but they will not work on us.
We for one, believe you are lying. As we all know, Operation Sundevil was the codename for the raiding of the pentagon/statd kiddy, Analyzer. This took him down.
Good job feds, but you forgot who you were fucking with now. We are experienced hackers who know their shit. We have seen other hackers fall to your tricks, which would be easily ruled by common-sense (ne0h's capture, for example). We won't be so easily fooled.
The way to catch us?
You might be able to catch us the way we commit our crimes, technologically. But think about it. We are masters at this game, whereis you have just finally gotten into this. We know the turf, and you have just entered this. You saw how easily your site was taking down when was DoS'd. Or when gH owned with a simple rpc exploit. But you think you can catch us?
Come and try it.
All hackers, all the time have been saying this. But now, I implore you.
hackers everywhere, unite. Blackhats, whitehats,greyhats fucking purple hats, unite.
Corporate america and the government that wipes it ass, will take you and throw you in the gutter for a measly 10$. Companies care nothing for your health. Companies look at you as a profit,net loss number that can be expendable at greater cost for the company. What is this otherwise known as? Communism.
Wasn't that wiped outta america years ago?
Feds, we are everywhere. Contrary to popular belief, we don't deface everything we hack. And yes, I have notified many admins of there problems. But I found this essential, because the feds are coming. Just because I (p4ntera) haven't hacked anything doesn't mean I have been raided/quit. I will always be around.
message from a once HFG member:
'i look around at the defacements today.. and i wonder. why are all of these script kiddies saying they 'r00ted' a Windows NT boxen? Herbless: I like your messages but your one stupid fucker who needs to die, lol. Now, with all of this 'SunDevil' shit supposdly going on, and yes, FBI, we all have gotten the word about your little 'master plan'. Well, you never caught me, and
I sincerely doubt you will ever will. I doubt you will catch my friends too, after all, they have been eluding your fat doney eating asses for some time now, huh? 'I also wanna say 'fuck you' to root shell hackers, you fucking goat sucking elephant asses'
(p4ntera lubs rsh, but this dood doesn't dont yell at me =) )
shouts: DHC, cyberg0d, do0do0, seksi, rootworm, tnc, , WAX CAUSE ITS FHIS FUCKING BDAY!@!@!,sockopt/th1nk,SJ my drinking buddy and lubber, my seksi mexican fut0n, cid, rsh and anyone who doesn't laugh at us, because they simply dont know us. And that reminds me, to all those who insult us, without knowing us, maybe you should actually talk to us for once. If you ask the people who once mocked us (blazinweed,acidk|own, sm0ke ETC) you will find we are actually intelligent people who listen and are humble.
ph33r the b33r motherfuckers. If you wish to join us, in our fight. Email us.
- p4ntera -