j00 j4r j0wnEd! j0w j0n't j00 jweel jwum?

the k|own wuz here.

Falling further away from reality i seem to get along better with the artifical. It never talks back, never makes you cry, and for once in your life you actually think that maybe a man-made invention is more human than the person who created it. Everything around you fades away and yur eyes get buried into a place you can finally call your own. You invest your time, your patience, your money, and soon enough, you invest your life into something that evolves with time and you evolve with it. Experimenting every possibility. Craving to understand how to use your artificial friend as not only a tool, but a weapon. You remember all those dumbshits at your school, the people that were just too good? More like too fake. They live an empty life persuing a lifetime career out of fast food management, while you have bigger ideas in your mind. You don't want to go to school. You are more focused on how to use the latest wu-ftpd sploit. So you fall asleep in class coz you were up the night before giving back to the bullshit world a few ICMP packets. Soon enough, you will realize that no matter how much you try, you can't win. Not by yourself anyways. The government despies your actions. Not because you renamed a fucking .html, but because they are fucking worried that you understand something they don't. And that my friends, is a fuckin national security breach. Hackers are simply a creation of just one of the many, many, many government experiments. Mutants of the technology revolution. But, you continue to feed your hunger. Your thirst. Your craving. But you still deny your addiction to the face of reality. Hoping some sort of "nicotine patch" f0r haX0rs will stabilize you. But not even heroine can give you the rush that compromising a system gives us. Welcome to our reality. Enter at your own risk. - acidklown -

Today is my sistah, Amanda's birthday. She is 18 years old. She is looking for Mr. Right. Too many ppl fuckin take advantage of her. Ppl thank that just coz she gotz hair on her chest and an incredibly large rumpel-foreskin, that that can take advantage of her and just have seX0r with her. But listen fuqnutz! my sissy isn't that type of girl! You can't just take her out to fuckin Burger King and think she will put out. But I don't want to discourage you. I mean, if you get her a 99 cent whopper and put some cheeze on it, she may give you sometan. She gave her first date some tongue. She gave her second date some head. And she gave her 3rd date some herpes. So, hey, if yur interested in sEx0riNg my LittLe SisTah, and you have a job, email me and i jwill jh00k jEw juP.

m4d r3ps3ct to xhostile, rewted, ZenoMorpH, Phiber, PHC, ytc, sku||, cyberfuckers, #sesame, #feed-the-goats, JxMxLx (hang in there bro), McIntyre, pr1sm, 139_r00ted, ne0h, subartic, HiP, Legion 2000, Xessor, mistuh clean, lyp0x, Da^Bomb, mozy, Deicidal, HIT2000, spinkus, bl0w team, an0nym0us, un1x b0wl1ng t34m, ULG, cult_hero, LevelSeven (miss ya vent), v00d00, Hi-Tech Hate, gH, analognet, attrition.org, hackernews.com, packetstorm.securify.com, projectgamma.com, net-security.org, zataz.com and dutchthreat.org. I l00b y00 all.