Admin, please e-mail aero_x@hotmail.com to find out how this was done.

I feel that if this world is ever going to get better, we need to start at the root of the problem and that is the Government. The world should be run by one, yes ONE, government. It should be made up of peace minding individuals that ALL GET ALONG!! I know this is hard but, it must be done. This way we wouldn't have any wars or confrontations like Embassy bombings.

Greets: Nemesystm, Drk Plague, R3p3nt, Hyrax, CSR, Spidy, Ph3wl, WetWilly, Slash, H@VOCK, FireFly, Fenix, Kiwi, PumP, Artech, the L0pht and Skat!

Anti-Greets: Crime Boys, *.br, Brazil.

End: D.S.