Hi, Nemesystm is back with a couple of hacks for the DHC

(this must be starting to annoy some people)

You call someone a fat pig behind his back. It's OK you're a Christian and he ain't, right?
You call someone a whore behind her back. It's OK you're a Christian and she ain't, right?
Well it's not allright, those people have done you no harm you Christian. Those people aren't here to defend themselves, but YOU are a Christian. Those people have never spoken a bad word about you, on the contrary they've always helped you, but their not Christians, and that makes you better right?
And you say you don't do it, but you do and you don't see it and God will see it, and I betcha that he will be good upon those non-Christians and you'll think that Satan is helping them. O boy are you in for a surprise because they are better than you. You Christian.

Anyways, the DHC has expanded yet again, today I can proudly say that we have Spiderfire amongst us. Life is good. Trinity, plz come back soon! Members at the moment are: Nemesystm (me), Trinity, Caesar, Slash, Dark Plague, Aero, Zanith, and ofcourse Spiderfire.

Greets go out to: Nym, all the girlies in Canada + Belgium, Herrinys Armata, de Horny Story people, HRB, PH'Z, UH@vock, 7th Mafia, Kimble.org, the ppl's at my school, Assassin in particular (you tha man. :-). Anyone see Onan lately?

Anti greets go out to: Petafrisch, the ENSS; where coming after you.

Complimentary pass: disney.com user: connollyone pass: belle
