=   F.U.C.K. - Fucked Up College Kids - Born Jan. 24th, 1993 - F.U.C.K.   =

                	go away from my window

I made you all up.

You are simply what I have invented to test myself. You are nothing more.
Every action you take, every word you speak, is centered directly at me,
purposefully aimed at me. I am the creator of you and all that you think
and do, nothing exists outside of me. Nothing takes place outside of me.
Nothing is understood or done outside of me. I create all events, and I use
these events to test myself, to better myself, to learn and to explore. And
you, well, you're nothing.

I made you for a purpose. You're here to teach me things. Love, respect,
dignity, hatred, the uselessness of morals in contemporary society - all
things. You are instrumental in my development, nearly as instrumental as I
was in yours.

I am living backwards in time. Perhaps I am in the recollective state of my
being, looking at the many mistakes, correct postulates, rash assertions,
and deep and meaningful relationships that existed in my life. Maybe I'm
not living this moment and maybe I'm just imagining this in some kind of
twisted lucid dream. I can't be too sure

So I'll just read my books, and drink my coffee, and eat my Chinese food,
and continue plodding along like I've done recently. I'll sift through the
malcontent of my mind, endlessly daydreaming in some kind of nearly drunken
stupor, contemplating myself and you. And contemplating the meaningless of
the existence of today and the days ahead.

Man is an animal. Transcend man. Transcend yourself. Metamorphosize. Think,
read, and enjoy life. Enjoy the little intricacies and nuances of all the
petty and pathetic people, all the charismatic intelligent people, all the
people that you don't know, won't know, and don't care about. Live it up.

So who's playing God? Who's asking the question?

This is dedicated to my little asian princess, trapped in a tiny  little
blue castle nestled in the clouds. So, how's the view? I think Hum
expressed it best, when they wisely noted:

"I've got nothing to lose, nothing like her left to lose."

"Another drink my love will make it tall enough so I can stand on it and
see, all you've done for me."

Don't fall from grace.


= Questions, Comments, Bitches, Ideas, Rants, Death Threats, Submissions  =
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