=   F.U.C.K. - Fucked Up College Kids - Born Jan. 24th, 1993 - F.U.C.K.   =

                        the daily routine

where is my money?
what money?
there was 100$ in my purse.
I don't know.
where the fuck is my money?
fuck you I didn't take your money.
you are always taking my money, i cant afford this.
i didn't take your fucking money fuck you.
fuck you you little bastard. give me my money.
fuck you i am getting tired of being accused of stealing your money.
i have caught you breaking into my car to get my purse.
fuck you i didn't take it.
I cant afford this shit, i need that money for groceries and bills and shit.
fuck you you are always accusing me.
I am tired of supporting your fucking habit.
this is bullshit. I need that fucking money.
go fuck yourself.
you steal shit around the house , do drugs, destroy shit what am i supposed
   to do?
i don't care. just get out of my face.
you little bastard where is my money?
fuck you. 

fuck you.
fuck you.
give me my money.
I don't have your fucking money.

why don't you just get the fuck out?
fuck you I will.
fine you can go steal from someone else. someone else can support your
   drug habit.
want to go live with your dad? I will fuckin send you there
fuck you and dad.
pack your shit
dad doesn't give a fuck. go fuck yourself i am not going there.

I am just gonna disappear, laters.

fuck you.
fuck you too.
fuck off stupid whore.
break something else that's what makes you happy.
fuck you dumb bitch.

better than any alarm.

= Questions, Comments, Bitches, Ideas, Rants, Death Threats, Submissions  =
= Mail: jericho@dimensional.com                       (Mail is welcomed)  =
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=       (c) Copyright. All files copyright by the original author.        =