=   F.U.C.K. - Fucked Up College Kids - Born Jan. 24th, 1993 - F.U.C.K.   =

                          criminal intent

		spanky the ueber hacker giggled and
		snapped and grabbed the info of yet
		another lamer who was too stupid to
		recognize that he was being socially

		[ john smith, 666 lame lane, apt #205
		  phone: 234.1234 dog: booboo ]

		he gave him a 'fuck with' rating of 7
		out of 10 and closed his info file.
		his fingers flew over the keyboard and
		ashes from his cigarette fell into the

		*_dumass_* hey spanky, got any ccs?

		not bad. he traded one cc for 30 esn/
		min pairs. dork. he made a note to
		fuck with him in the future. he
		swigged his coffee pensively and dialed
		some of the local bbs'. they were
		always good for a laugh or two. he
		liked fucking with lamers.

		(two years later)

		z, formally spanky the ueber hacker,
		sat at his keyboard typing furiously.
		he wore all black, contrasting sharply
		with his pale skin. the handle of a
		silver pistol was visible just above
		his belt. he lived in a loft nowadays,
		large servers and workstations spread
		liberally throughout. the only light
		emanated from glowing monitors.

		[ yeah, i have what you were looking
		  for. it was tough to get, though,
		  so i will be looking for a little
		  				Z ]

		he smiled as he thought of the large
		influx of clean cash to come. he
		heard that paris was nice this time
		of year. he could go there and chill
		for awhile, maybe retire for a few
		months. his reverie was broken by 
                the telephone. he snatched up his

		[ yeah, i'm  here. just show up. ]

		wow. he was going to get his payoff
		sooner than he planned. he logged
		off and headed for the kitchen, where
		some nice 'imported' wine awaited.
		he popped the cork and poured some
		into a crystal wine glass, bought
		and paid for with money he 'borrowed'
                from a bank in the Caymans. he took
		a sip just as he heard the elevator

		[ he's here. ]

		he went to the elevator, still
		carrying his wine glass. he felt
		pretty good. the door opened to
		reveal an older man wearing an
		expensive armani, carrying a silver
		briefcase. he smiled at him and
		pointed at one of his machines.

		they walked over to one of his
		workstations. he sat and logged in,
		fingers tapping madly. he found
		the file for his client, who was
		standing behind him, silent.

		then z was dead, his neck now

		the client took the file and left.

		[ stupid hackers. ]

		Palpable Obscure

= Questions, Comments, Bitches, Ideas, Rants, Death Threats, Submissions  =
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