=  F.U.C.K. - Fucked Up College Kids - Born Jan. 24th, 1993 - F.U.C.K.  =

                        Learn the Language

        I'm chillin, checking out the newspaper, and I look down at the
headline:  "School board demands that  initiate all-spanish
courses for students with limited english skills!"
        Haven't they seen the statistics?  Don't they know what's going
on??  I'm not here to flame any Mexicans, but hey.. There's gotta be a
limit.  And I'm not here to stereotype, either.  But it's happening.
And it's their fault.
        I've heard too many stories, seen too many statistics.  It's
mainly the Mexicans, but let's not worry about them.  Let's just pretend
that it's happening with everyone.
        Families that have been in the country for 6 and 7 GENERATIONS.
They don't know a single word of English (except for "Quarter-Pounder").
They're living in the slums.
They're getting PAID by the government to sit on their foreign asses
not bothering to learn the language, go to school, or get a job.
        This has got to stop.  We're in the United States.  Our language
is English, not Spanish.  Why should this school be forced to initiate
all Spanish classes for a minority of students, when they are living in
an English speaking country.  They can't FUNCTION in this country talking
Spanish!  Why not teach them English, instead of supporting them in their
unwillingness to learn the native language of the place they're living
        Maybe if they can learn the language, they can  get jobs!
                Become ...  USEFUL MEMBERS OF SOCIETY!
                Or maybe, even..
        GET OFF WELFARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our government has got to put it's foot down.  Enough wasted funds on these
people who are useless to society.  It's time for a limit.  And I'm talking
two years.  Why is it that a strong, healthy man, who is in every way fit
to go out and WORK to support his family, is able to sit at home, watch
TV all day, and still get PAID?  It's called welfare.  The attitude has
to change.  One day I'm in school and a female student is talking about
how she is going to be a housewife when she gets out of high school.  The
teacher asks her "Don't you want to work?  To support your family?"
The student's reply:
        "It is work.  Every time I have a child, that will be my raise."

                It's time for a change. 


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