[This was originally hosted on a free web site, but has since been




Advance Notice: I would like to emphasize that I am not one of the I-miss-
F.U.C.K. reunionists. With this file I do *not* want to take Dam, Dis and Mea 
Culpa out of the cryogenics chamber to make them dance for us one more time. 
Since I am the deegenerate who likes a dead F.U.C.K., what I am gonna do is I'm 
gonna dig them up from the graveyard-archives at attrition to show you all my 
necrophilia. The voyeur becomes an exhibitionist this time ;-)


"It seems pretty," [she] said when she had finished it, "but it's *rather* hard 
to understand!" (You see she didn't like to confess, even to herself, that she 
couldn't make it out at all.) "Somehow it seems to fill my head with ideas - 
only I don't exactly know what they are! However, *somebody* killed 
*something*; that's clear, at any rate---."

Lewis Carroll, Through The Looking Glass.

"So what the hell is the point of this whole file? Who cares.
I learned long ago that expressing your daily thoughts like this
does wonders to help you clear your mind, see your own thoughts, and
more. Just knowing that other people will read your raw emotions
makes you feel kinda weird, at least it makes me feel that way. Think
about it; a dozen, hundreds, maybe thousands of people reading what
is beyond second nature to you." 
- dis, Doin' it in Texas.


If I were to write this file about a novel, nobody would feel offended. But 
because this concerns a real living being, I am supposed to tone it down. I 
must not exaggerate. I must not get overemotional or overenthusiastic. All 
these things would be permitted if I was writing about *fiction*. If I had 
written this in the English department, the teacher would have loved my, what 
he called, "wet style" and commentary. But because this is written about a 
person, alive and breathing, I have to watch my mouth.

This whole file is going to sound odd to the people who do know him, but you 
have to remember: I do not know this person; I am completely clueless as to who 
he is. I only know one of the voices of F.U.C.K. I know the *character* 
Damanstian, the *character* DisordeR and the *character* Mea Culpa. When you 
know somebody and you read something from them, you can actually imagine them 
saying it, and how they would act and sound if they did. All I see is a piece 
of text on the screen, nothing else. So no matter how much I tell 
myself: "Watch what you are saying, there is a LIVING PERSON, behind all 
this!" , to me these are just three characters in an online novel I read last 
summer. That's all I am gonna work with. If it doesn't comply with reality, 
then that's the beauty of the egotistical hermeneutic interpretation.

On the other hand, why do I have to claim or aim at reality at all? The very 
medium that introduced me to this piece of work allows the broadest 
interpretation of what is otherwise undisputable fact. They could have all been 
completely fictitious characters, every single story told something that was 
made up to appear as real. Most people would argue this, I would argue this 
myself, but for the sake of expression I will say that I can't be 100% sure. 
When I do that, I can tolerate writing a subjective piece, not worrying about 
it being too emotional. Most importantly I can write about this unrestrained, 
as I would with any piece of literature. I can turn away from self-censorship 
and truly say how these heatstealing files affected me. A novel that was 
written in seven years. Most life-stories are lost forever in time, but not 
this one. This is how I perceive these files reading them after so many years. 
This is for them and about them.


"As everyday passes I have to wonder what the fuck is wrong
with everyone. It seems a greater portion of our society is too
caught up with trivial shit for us to make it out of this decade." 
 -DisordeR, How Trivial

"You ever get that feeling that you are all alone out there?
That everyone around you is a fucking moron that needs to be shot?
Ever catch yourself saying how much society sucks? That Americans
have really become a bunch of wimps? That shit ain't right in general?" 
 -Dam(ned), file #056


I really don't know why Damanstian's rants appealed to me as much as they did. 
I am not the kind of person to form quick alliances, especially not with novel-
characters. I've read the frustrations of others on the screen and in books 
many times before, not being convinced or moved by anything. I read *one* text, 
Real Life - School, and already I was on his side. Reading on I found that 
there were enough things about him that make me cringe. I often disagreed with 
him as he was ranting at the F.U.C.K. crowd, sometimes sounding like a hellfire 
preacher. But it was captivating. Where was my otherwise stern righteousness 
that makes me turn my back to almost every person I encounter, virtual or 
otherwise? These texts were pretty in such a terrible way. I loved the way he 
was complaining at all things wrong, words dripping with annoyance. I kept 
reading on, not knowing what the hell I was doing staring at the screen. I felt 
like a bird staring at the snake, both scared and fascinated. Admittedly, I was 


"I don't know, maybe it is a crazy idea, or too depressing for the
masses. I'd like to think that it will bring a small sense of unity to
some individuals, help them understand the concept of respect and honor. 
Its a shot in the dark, but maybe...just maybe..."
- dis, Half Respect

"The thing that bothers me the most and has sorta driven me to write about it 
is the fact that people are so damn unaware of their surroundings. People think 
only of themselves and don't give a shit about other people. Usually it isn't 
that they don't give a shit, but that they don't realize that their actions 
have a direct influence on other people."
- Dam, Starter


It all begins when Damanstian, nineteen years old, decides to start a series of 
text files together with a friend. He did this at the time because he was 
bothered by people's ignorance of their surroundings. The foundation on which 
F.U.C.K. was created and on which all the other writers elaborated in their 
F.U.C.K. files stayed the same ever since that first file: awareness. And thus 
it began, complete with a casual in-between thanks to a destructive/creative 
entity, one of both chaos and inspiration. I can't help but wonder why the hell 
he included Cthulhu in his thanx-list. Maybe he was reading Lovecraft, maybe he 
was simply joking. Doesn't matter, if its significance occurs to me only, so be 
it. Wise up or perish.


"I think the best bet is for you the reader to think about things yourself. 
Draw your own conclusions based on the text above. After all, your own thoughts 
are the most powerful message I can deliver."
 -d1s, Two Plus Two

"Just because nothing happens in your immediate sight, doesn't 
mean it doesn't happen."
 -Dam, Time Passed


Damanstian thought that writing all these files could help someone, anyone, get 
beyond the dullness and boredom that rules most people's lives. He wanted 
people to use their brain and see things in a whole new way. "I wish you 
would!" scream the texts "Just try it! Do it!". But did they ever get it? Again 
and again he's bewildered at people's ability and willingness to harm. Another 
thing I sense while reading these files is that he isn't really angry with 
anyone, but much more disappointed in this hostile and brutally teasing world. 
Determined he carries on, even if it has to be before these fools.


"Why am I here... perhaps my ability coupled with my desire to write, study and 
observe tells me something? Am I to be taking better notes on society? Write a 
thesis or book on my differences, or maybe describe a world so full of "color" 
from the eyes of someone who doesn't see them."
- DisordeR, Black and White. Posted for Underground eXperts United.


One thing that was there from the start was his stories. Fiction within the 
larger frame of a story. Some of these stories have the feel of someone still 
developing his style. Some of them read like something out of a Tom Clancy 
novel. As time goes by they become more romantic and fantastic. My personal 
favourite - unfortunately not posted for F.U.C.K.; I really wonder why - is 
still the one about the alien with the inhuman colorless eyes.


"The hero of yesterday becomes the tyrant of tomorrow unless he crucifies 
himself today."
 -Lydia Lunch.

"Why do we crucify ourselves..." 


If this online novel were a film, then Tori Amos' Crucify would have been the 
ever re-occurring theme. This song appears from the very start, all the way to 
the terrible Mea Culpa files: from A Higher Purpose, to Inner Turmoil, 
Convoluted Rants and Guilt In Three Parts. In the F.U.C.K. anthologies he 
denotes quotes from films, music and sooo many books that you start to wonder: 
is there anything he has *not* read? Indeed, what else to expect from someone 
who wraps himself up in art and is such a fan of the humanities...


"-Upon entering an elevator, lobby, or wherever, just casually turn and look at 
your shoulder and growl at it. Do a low gutteral growl and an occasional bark 
or two.
-Bat away those pesky insects that only you can see.
-Stand in a corner and press up against the wall to conserve space and dart 
your eyes around as if you are scared of something."
 -someone at the BackYard, Shock Value

"Anyway, if you are reading this, and think it is cool to wear your
pants around your ankles, talk like a primate, and front around malls, then 
please get a clue. I would pay money to see someone shoot these people. I would 
pay more to see someone run up and yank down their pants and run off I think. 
So 'Fuck You' nigga's."
 -anon, Fuck You - Part 1


How very full of humor and sardonic sarcasm was this Damanstian! I was reading 
these files travelling in various trains across the country. I never spoke to 
anyone on these trips. These files were my company, and I was laughing at 
someone telling gags, someone who wasn't even there to tell them. I was 
cackling away at his razor-sharp humour, sometimes unintentionally because of 
the lovely naivety of some of these texts.
So much for fun time...


"A little over four years ago I don't know if I really believed
this magazine would make it this far. I did have the hope and desire
for it to go a long way. The people I talked to about where it might
go all showed doubt or skepticism. This file is for them."
 -dis, zen - me - zine.


Zen Me Zine is his gem of revenge at the scorn and all the past grudges. Having 
already adopted his original persona of DisordeR, in this file he bashes those 
who could not and would not understand. He realized that all the people telling 
him that these texts were a stab at a blind audience have been proven dead 
wrong. The fact that F.U.C.K. files are still resurrected to this very day - 
not just by me, by *many* other necrophiles - is hardcore proof of how wrong 
these people really were.


"That puts us back to square one. A big problem that has no easy
solution. Much like other problems in today's society, there seems to belittle 
that can be done. I guess what really bothers me is the common sense or 
fundamental lack of respect involved with this. I honestly thought it was human 
nature that kept people in check. I thought that hurting someone like that 
would make one develop a level of guilt that would make them seriously 
reconsider their actions, and possibly stop them from doing the same thing.
...In some cases, I think they simply don't know better."
 -dis, They Don't Know Better


His change of character is fascinating but sometimes horrible to see. His 
disappointment turns into hatred, and he *hates* the ignorance he encounters in 
the bored trash around him. They just don't care, they have no focus, no 
direction, only bad intentions. No, it isn't just the sloppiness; he just can't 
avoid encountering that trash. And it only gets more and more nasty as he 
becomes more bitter and withered. There used to be an escape...


"Maybe, just maybe, if you are reading this, then you actually 
have a brain, and you use it more than once a month. If so, then as you look 
around, you must realize that you are almost alone in the real world. Why do 
you think you spend so much time logged into BBSes and other online services? 
Because stupidity stops when people use a modem."
 -Dam(ned), file #056

"Millions of Americans own personal computer now. Each system
worth thousands of dollars. More expensive than any other item in their 
house usually. Even thought they spend all those dollars on this new
machine/toy, they don't take the time to learn how to use them. They 
would much rather jump on the bandwagon and learn the programs that
they actively use. It is kind of ironic that you have a machine that
is based almost 100% on logic, is being used by a person based on
1% logic."
 -DisordeR, Com-Pyoo-Ter

"With all the advertising you see regarding the net, and all
the politicians promising 'information superhighways' in the future,
more and more people are signing up for services. Fact is, the net
is the furthest thing from a superhighway. A winding dirt road blocked
by trees, pits, and guards seems more appropriate. With the current
growth of people, and lack of growth of new computers hooking into the
net, seems like that road will wear out sooner than repair itself and
rebuild into a highway of any sort."
 -Damanstian the DisordeR of my mind, The Old Dirt Road

"The internet is the new global means for communication. Every
day thousands of people flock to the net to jump on the great hype.
As they do, they bring new cultures, new stories, and new experiences
with them. Unfortunately they also come with sheer stupidity and annoyance. 
Like before, certain online services seem to cater to these morons, but they 
can be found on just about any service."
 -DisordeR, Four Zero Zero

"When are you going to wake up and realize that ankle biters like
you are nothing in this world. You can't even get respect in an online
world that basically accepts everyone as equals."
 -anon, Hacker Blues


It would take another file to explain how valuable these files are to someone 
like me. When I got online, the net was already commercialized, massification 
had already taken place. Everyone and their mother was already on the net - in 
his case quite literally *cough*. And that was propagated as being an 
essentially good thing. But here I got to see the other side of the story. 
Reading about this process from DisordeR's viewpoint, someone who's extremely 
annoyed by the whole deal, is a hard slap in the face, particularly that of 
newbies like me. I can see how right he is. What's the point of people joining 
in en masse when they don't know what it means? This is just one reason for 
reading these files. But providing rational responses in an increasingly 
irrational environment doesn't do him any good.


"If you reply to my files, don't tell me to "cheer up",
"be happy", "think happy thoughts", or any shit like that. That isn't me.It 
never has been. I'm tired of pretending I think that way. Doom and gloom is 
just fine with me. Crime and chaos is a good thing. You don't agree? Go be part 
of the cause of it and you will feel differently about it. The world is NOT 
happy. Crime DOES pay. Anyone who tells you differently has their eyes closed 
or is trying to sell you something."
 -DisordeR, Four Zero Zero


In file #400 every word is soaked with malice and anger. I don't think 
DisordeR - or is it even him speaking here? - has ever sounded so vicious and 
brimmed with rage. But this time DisordeR's bursts of textual violence crash 
down into a new incarnation. In one of his later F.U.C.K.  poems he will go on 
to say: "Is it my empty existence masked in appropriate words that style masses 
sympathize with?" I honestly see no style whatsoever in watching someone having 
their guts torn out like that.


" 'At least pain is real...'
(Pump Up the Volume). Pain is real. It makes life worth living because if you 
don't experience pain, you don't know the opposite, pleasure. Without one, the 
other doesn't exist. If you rarely experience pain in your life, whether 
physical, emotional, or whatever, then you really aren't enjoying life to its 
fullest. May sound kind of weird and demented, but it is true."
 -Dam(ned), file #056

"we all feel pain at times. unfortunately, we have been told that pain is 
unconditionally bad, when more often than you might expect, it is good. if 
nothing else, it certainly allows us to enjoy pleasure all the more."
 -mea culpa, can it feel this wrong?


The creation of Mea Culpa is one of the worse things to read about. Some texts 
that are signed as DisordeR are so heavily Mea Culpa that he's almost an 
unavoidable presence that was bound to surface sooner or later. Some broken 
relationships from the past haunt him, despite the apparent time span. He 
recoils from the horror, yet he soaks up the pain, craving it in the sickest 
way. Mea Culpa is a true masochist, slamming himself for the battering of 
others, smashing himself totally disgusted. His acceptance of his guilt is 
unbelievable. "I deserve this." says the text. With DisordeR I got the idea 
that he was looking for a little bit of elegance and grace. Mea Culpa is 
looking for pure decadence. He sees all that is wrong but he's not gonna try to 
stop it. Rage, sorrow, dismay, he has  been through these so many times 
before. "Give up my fight". 

There are only a few F.U.C.K. files actually signed with this name, but in each 
one of them -and more, as he was there before he was named - you can see the 
same twisted shape, all regret and guilt. It's wrenching to read. But once 
again I have to admit how mesmerizing it is, despite all its sadness. What's 
the point of my perverted voyeurism?


"a day passes, and i can't think of how to express my emotion and feeling into 
text. ironic, that i write for over five years, getting compliment on how well 
i can express feeling. yet this time i can not. my guilt runs deep and i know 
it. if not for my actions, but the mere fact that music is lost on my ears, 
food tasteless. i can't describe how much i love music, yet it all falls on 
near deaf ears."
 -mea_culpa, guilt in three parts


In Guilt In Three Part his dysfunction is laid out in the open for all to see. 
What were once the continuous black undertones now almost spill out of the 
screen. It reminds me of these paintings by Frida Kahlo, where the blood of the 
slashed or crashed corpse actually drips out of the canvas and onto the frame. 
The nakedness of this text is unmatched. I never understood how, after all 
these years, he actually opened himself up like that. Was it the only way he 
could deal with the pain that shattered him? The text being a tiny space he 
could retreat into, as if looking for something to hide behind.


"It's been a fun ride."
 -Disorder aka Jericho, Rest in Peace

I will never know what became of Mea Culpa since the story is abruptly brought 
to an end. Yes, even when you are F.U.C.K.ing corpses you have to deal with 
coitus interruptus. But reading these texts, I still get a message from them. 
Each one of them is a nail clawing deeper into my own scars. I wonder about his 
acquiescence and why he ended up like that, but I should be questioning why I 
don't stop myself from reading. Apparently my voyeurism isn't as bad as I think 
it is. I keep reading for the very reason that it reminds me of my own 
weakness. Why do I still have to tell myself to trust my instincts, not to 
debate with reason? I know that contemplating F.U.C.K. is the right thing to 
do. Despite all the wicked things, there was usually a spark of that Damanstian 
sarcasm prevalent in each character, allowing another sneaky smile. I turn to 
these texts in pure adoration and I think that everyone who liked them as much 
as they claim to will send Damanstian, DisordeR and Mea Culpa the respect and 
admiration they deserve. Reading their story was certainly fun. Fun as dictated 
and defined by the self, that is. Immensely rewarding. Exhume.

DeeGeneRate the necrophile