Spyware Terminator Spams

Recently there have been numerous e-mails sent to various security mailing lists and websites by Tereza Kyselakova, spamming for her company's Spyware Terminator product, which has received less than stellar reviews. Tereza has sent multiple spams including product review requests as well as requests to publish press releases on mailing lists and websites.

-------- Forwarded message ----------
Return-Path: (kyselakova@spywareterminator.com)
X-Original-To: wk-infosecnews.org
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    for (wk[at]infosecnews.org); Mon, 23 Jul 2007 03:12:36 -0500 (CDT)
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Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2007 00:12:46 -0800
Message-ID: (AD554D4F27E.00000027kyselakova@spywareterminator.com)
From: Tereza Kyselakova (kyselakova@spywareterminator.com)
Subject: Spyware Terminator 2.0
To: wk[at]infosecnews.org
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Hello Willia, (?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /)


I recently came across Infosec News website and would like to ask whether it would be possible for
you to display our press release about our new Spyware Terminator 2.0 version availability.  


My name is Tereza Kyselakova and I am Spyware Terminator's Partnership Manager. Our product is
already one of the highly regarded free anti-spyware software titles on the market and is
available from all major download sites like Download.com and Softpedia.com. Our product has been
well received by these sites causing a substantial increase in downloads. 

Spyware Terminator has more than 7M users, with 1 million added each month.


We are just about to release a new version of Spyware Terminator 2.0, our news about its beta can
be found at: http://www.spywareterminator.com/pc/pr_news.aspx?id=2298

Spyware Terminator is free for personal and commercial use, and can be used for any length of


Please let me know if it would be possible to inform about Spyware Terminator 2.0 release at
Infosec News website.

I look forward hearing from you.


With regards,


Tereza Kyselakova
Partnership Manager

Spyware Terminator

+ 420 515 901 300, extension 2394

Crawler, LCC

 ---------- Forwarded message ----------
 Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2007 00:19:54 -0800
 From: Tereza Kyselakova (kyselakova@spywareterminator.com)
 To: staff[at]packetstormsecurity.org
 Subject: Request for Spyware Terminator 2.0 review
 I recently came across your website and really enjoyed reading some the posts.
 I am emailing you
 in the hopes that you can review our new version of Spyware Terminator 2.0.
 My name is Tereza Kyselakova and I am Spyware Terminator's Partnership
 Manager. Our product is
 already one of the highly regarded free anti-spyware software titles on the
 market and is
 available from all major download sites like Download.com and Softpedia.com.
 Our product has been
 well received by these sites causing a substantial increase in downloads.?
 Spyware Terminator has more than 7M users, with 1 million added each month.
 We are just about to release a new version of Spyware Terminator 2.0, our news
 about its beta can
 be found at: http://www.spywareterminator.com/pc/pr_news.aspx?id=2298
 Spyware Terminator 2.0 beta is available for download at:
 Spyware Terminator is free for personal and commercial use, and can be used
 for any length of
 time. Feel free to download and use our product.
 Please let me know if you would be interested to review our new version.
 I look forward hearing from you.
 With regards,
 Tereza Kyselakova
 Partnership Manager
 Spyware Terminator
 + 420 515 901 300, extension 2394
 Crawler, LCC

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