pcsecurityshield.com Spams

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From: "Leyla Griffin" (Leyla@pcsecurityshield.com)
Subject: Interested in partnership with org.in
To: "Jericho" (jericho[at]attrition.org)
Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 14:30:50 -0500
Message-Id: (20060112193022.DFA1B5F93D@forced.attrition.org)

Dear org.in,

Do you send traffic to Norton or McAfee?  Are they paying you only 8% 
per sale?  We pay 50% per sale!

I am contacting you because I was researching websites in the pc 
security area and your website has great content regarding anti-virus, 
file deletion, etc and as a result you have the ability to leverage 
your visitors to generate revenue.

Whether you are an experienced affiliate or just a website owner who 
specializes in this area, you can generate revenue just by sending your 
visitors to a trusted and powerful security resource - 

Click the link below to join our Affiliate Program in Click Bank

If you have any questions, let me know.


Leyla Griffin
Affiliate Manager

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