Thomas Christopher Mitchell a.k.a. Tr0n

Mitchell, born 'Kane Ryan Marlow' in Sebastepol, CA on 8/22/1973, is currently listed as a sex offender in the U.S. Department of Justice National Sex Offender Public Website. A general search by name shows him as the first result and lists him as currently living in Saipan, on the Northern Mariana Islands. Using the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands search interface on the same site will provide more information about Mitchell. This shows that as of 2/9/2021 he is still listed as a Tier 3 offender.

Early in 2017, a member of the security community sent a request for public records to the Oregon State Police department for more information on booking number 2005030029 / file number 39956, specifically listing the date of incident as March 2, 2005 and describing the Incident/Crime/Description as "SODOMY 1ST DEG(CNT 1) / OSP3107". The day after receiving the request Oregon Department of State Police confirmed receipt of the request and two days later replied with a disposition that the request involves "Juvenile Victim Information", the release of which is restricted. This request confirms that his offense involved a minor.

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Information about Mitchell has been circulating in the Information Security scene for some time, and an entire website has captured information about him to warn others. In a thread from August, 2012, additional information about the charges were posted that included a $155,000 bail and details of the case.

The case information is currently available on the Oregon Judicial Department online records search. Mitchell was originally charged with three counts of ORS 163.405, Sodomy in the 1st Degree, and pleaded Not Guilty to each. He subsequently changed his plea to no contest to two charges of ORS 161.405(2)(b), Attempt to Commit a Class A felony, and was sentenced for each. Sentencing included blood draw for DNA and HIV testing as well as registration as a sex offender. Relevant details of Case 05P3107 are below:

When this page was originally published on March 12, 2021, it indicated there were three charges of Sodomy in the 1st degree, but did not qualify that one charge was dismissed. That was corrected on April 27, 2021, along with additional screenshots pulled directly from Oregon's site to show details.

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