I found it a bit ironic that John Chirillo mailed the NIC contact address for attrition.org, asking for his two books to be added to our long abandoned library section. My response to him will make it apparent why I found myself laughing at his mail. For some reason, he opted not to reply to me.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: John Chirillo (tiger1@tigertools.net)
To: jericho[at]dimensional.com
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 12:32:53 -0500
Subject: Request

I'm a Sr. Internetworking Engineer, Security Consultant, and author of the
new Hack Attacks Series by John Wiley & Sons. With this message, I
respectfully request the addition of my new books to your list:

Hack Attacks Revealed (ISBN: 047141624X)

Hack Attacks Denied (ISBN: 0471416258)

I've been a member of moot for some time now--working on compiling
historical archives entitled, moot minutes. Current active affiliations
include: hackers[at]insecure.org, alt.spam, alt.hacker, alt.hacking,
alt.2600.hackerz, alt.2600.hackers, 24hoursupport.helpdesk, alt.2600.QnA,
alt.2600, alt.aol.tricks, silug, alt.security, linux.dev.kernel,
alt.hackintosh, cert, sans, various ietf security subgroups, first and

John Chirillo

Hack Attacks Revealed review
Hack Attacks Denied review

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: security curmudgeon (jericho[at]attrition.org)
To: John Chirillo (tiger1@tigertools.net)
Date: Sun, 11 Nov 2001 21:56:15 -0700 (MST)
Subject: Re: Request

Sorry for the belated reply, I rarely check mail at dimensional.com (where
this was originally sent).

: I'm a Sr. Internetworking Engineer, Security Consultant, and author of the
: new Hack Attacks Series by John Wiley & Sons. With this message, I
: respectfully request the addition of my new books to your list:
: Hack Attacks Revealed (ISBN: 047141624X)
: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/047141624X

Yes, I was contracted to write a review of this book:


Attrition has also posted the technical errata for this book:


: Hack Attacks Denied (ISBN: 0471416258)
: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0471416258/

I was also contracted to write a review for this book as well:


I'm not sure if I took notes on this book for Errata. If I did and end
up finding them I will post them eventually.

: I've been a member of moot for some time now--working on compiling
: historical archives entitled, moot minutes. Current active affiliations
: alt.2600.hackerz, alt.2600.hackers, 24hoursupport.helpdesk, alt.2600.QnA,
: alt.2600, alt.aol.tricks, silug, alt.security, linux.dev.kernel,
: alt.hackintosh, cert, sans, various ietf security subgroups, first and
: astalavista.

I've never heard of 'moot', can you tell me more about them?

You are affiliated with newsgroups? Are you the moderator of those groups
or just a frequent poster?

How are you affiliated with CERT exactly? I have written numerous
commentary pieces on how ineffective CERT has been. The last being:

CERT Rides the Short Bus

How are you affilated with SANS? FIRST?

Looking forward to hearing from you.


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