[Update: Acunetix provides technical details on the breach]
Try this for irony: The website of web application security provider Barracuda Networks has sustained an attack that appears to have exposed sensitive data concerning the company's partners and employee login credentials, according to an anonymous post.
Barracuda representatives didn't respond to emails seeking confirmation of the post, which claims the data was exposed as the result of a SQL injection attack. Screenshots showed what was purported to be names, email addresses and phone numbers for Barracuda partners from organizations including Fitchburg State University in Massachusetts and the UK's Hartlepool College of Further Education.
The spilled contents also included what appeared to be the email addresses and hashed passwords of Barracuda employees authorized to log in to the company's content management system. The passwords appeared to be hashed using the MD5 algorithm that is slowly being phased out in favor of algorithms that are considered more secure alternatives. It was unclear if the hashed passwords were salted to prevent them from being cracked using various free tools available on the internet.