Voice of Grey Hat (VoGH) / voiceofgreyhat.com - Extensive Plagiarism from Legitimate News Sources
Mon May 14 22:00:22 CDT 2012
[Update: After publishing this article, an admin from VoGH (presumably Avik Sarkar) emailed us with
vague threats. In addition, @TeamGreyHat on Twitter quickly took offense to the article and threatened
to hack and deface us after a string of juvenile threats.]
Voice of Grey Hat is yet another hacker / security news aggregation site. Like other
sites, they appear to take a big shortcut in the path to journalism. Rather than writing their own stories and providing proper
attribution, the articles borrow unedited text heavily from the original source. The only
acknowledgement is in the form of a disclaimer that says "The news provided by us on this site is gathered from various Re-Sources."
Of course, "gathered" is a bit vague, but an aggregation site should make it abundantly clear where the original article
comes from. Instead, we get "Posted by VOGH Reporter" and no link to the original source. Based on the
"about us" page, the VOGH Reporter is likely Avik Sarkar.
In addition to plagiarism and copyright infringement, Voice of Grey Hat also has an odd notion that all of their
content is protected by the Digitial Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).
Despite the domain showing registration to an Australian address and Avik Sarkar living in Calcutta, India, they choose
to proudly show a link to a DMCA warning for each article.
The Plagiarism
The following table details a brief sampling of articles examined for plagiarism and copyright infringement,
without proper source attribution. Both the Voice of Grey Hat and
original article are provided, along with the date each was published and a rough estimate
of material copied based on the comparison by a third-party tool. Most articles consist of some original
content, written by "VOGH Reporter", along with some material that is verbatim from the original source. This
is willful infringement of copyright and inexcusable plagiarism.
Voice of Grey Hat Article |
Original Source |
National Security Agency (NSA) Released Security Enhanced (SE) Android |
ExtremeTech (127 of 261 words copied, ~ 45%) |
DARPA Implementing Biometrics With Passwords To Enhance Security For DOD |
MilitaryAerospace (162 of 185 words copied, ~85%) |
The White House Is Also Not Supporting Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) |
Huffington Post (252 of 321 words copied, ~75%) |
Zappos.com Server Compromised, 24 Million Customer Details Stolen |
The H Security (169 of 253 words copied, ~65%) |
Wikipedia Will Go Dark (Blackout) While Protesting Against SOPA/PIPA |
The H Security (138 of 465 words copied, ~25%) |
Tel Aviv Stock Exchange (TASE) Shutdown By Hacker group "Nightmare" |
Haaretz (157 of 178 words copied, ~85%) |
Huffington Post Official Twitter Account Hacked |
C|Net (62 of 146 words copied, ~40%) |
FBI Is Paying Attention To The US-China Commission Data Breach Issue |
ABC News (336 of 357 words copied, ~95%) |
The White House Introduced- Electric Sector Cybersecurity Risk Maturity Model |
threatpost.com (268 of 272 words copied, ~95%) |
Israel Vows To Treat Hackers Like Terrorists |
ITP.net (111 of 238 words copied, ~45%) |
Sony Pictures Official Website & Facebook Page Hacked By Anonymous (#OpSony) |
The Inquirer (75 of 207 words copied, ~35%) |
More Than 40Million User Details Stolen In Post Bank Hacking, NIA Is Investigating |
News24 or
Independent Online (137/194 or 192/194 words copied, ~70 - 95%) |
Dutch Govt. Setup National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) To Protect Cyber-Crime |
Radio Netherlands Worldwide (329 of 409 words copied, ~80%) |
Oracle Database Firewall Adds Support For MySQL Enterprise Edition |
I-Programmer (213 of 213 words copied, ~100%) |
"Slow HTTP DoS"- New Denial of Service Vulnerability, Doesn't Require Many PCs |
The Verge (258 of 287 words copied, ~85%) |