From Mon Dec 7 17:29:08 1998 To: Dave Gerstein - Managing EditorCc:, Date: Mon, 7 Dec 1998 17:16:44 -0700 (MST) Subject: Re: The Enterprise Strikes Back Mr. Gerstein et all: I am writing to you regarding your recent article titled "The Enterprise Strikes Back" currently located at ( It was released on Dec 4, 1998 by Rutrell Yasin. As a security professional and computer enthusiast, I found your article on strike back servers to be poorly researched and extremely irresponsible. In case you are not aware, several months ago a company released an article giving vague details about their new product, called a 'blitzkrieg' server. The idea of the server/software was to strike back at would-be attackers and disable them before they could do damage. Much like their claims, the claims of this article need to be questioned openly. Given current U.S. law, there is absolutely NO question or room to doubt that any server such as these are illegal to operate. At no time is it legal to retaliate against someone in such a blind fashion, regardless of their activity. I'd like to point out an analogy used in the article, where Mr. Yasin equates this with defending personal property against a criminal. Mr. Yasin fails to qualify his analogy: the strike-back servers are more like booby traps set in the home. They are *illegal*. If a fireman or policeman enter the house to help you, the booby trap does not distinguish that, and goes off hurting the good guy. The same applies to the strike-back servers, they can easily go off against innocent third parties that are nothing more than launch point for hackers. To write this type of article, solicit quotes that appear to support the notion of illegal strike-backs, and to suggest this is the wave of the future is unprofessional, unethical, and irresponsible. InfoSec News Moderator