Hackers Go Pro by Nancy Nicolaisen and Dan Costa Penetration analysis, or ethical hacking, is an increasingly popular way for businesses to find holes in their networks. Vendors are lining up to break and enter for profit Introduction Ethical hacking might seem like an oxymoron, and it does present some confusing issues, but it is also a growing and legitimate IT specialty. Ethical hackers can be separated into two broad classes--independents and consultants. Independent ethical hackers believe that discovering the weaknesses of software, hardware, and the networks upon which we all depend is an inherently good or ethical act. These good-Samaritan Netizens have been around for years--poking holes in Internet Explorer, breaking encryption algorithms, accessing networks without authority. Sometimes they report the hack to the company; other times the hack announces itself, and the vendor must quickly fix the problem. This real-world market testing can make products stronger and safer for the rest of us. [White hat hackers or "good-Samaritan Netizens" do not access other networks without permission. White hat denotes good or legal 'hackers'.]