F0rpaxe Joins The Force 
 Tuesday, June 1, 1999 at 11:29:39
 by John Vranesevich - Founder of AntiOnline 

 F0rpaxe, a group known for hacking dozens of sites, has "joined the team" of
 hack groups that have started to lash out against recent FBI raids and
 investigations. F0rpaxe has began hacking several sites in protest, including
 one run by the Department of the Interior. The webpage was defaced with a
 message which read in part:

[Forpaxe didn't hit DOI. An unamed group did. Convenient that the message he lists
below was done on a site listed right under the DOI hack on the Attrition 
mirror. As if he couldn't line them up when "fact checking".]

 Yes, you guessed it right, the WAR is on. The fucking FBI vs. everyone
 who calls him/herself a true hacker (Not them MOD imposters). FUCK
 THE MOD...they ain't real. 

 FBI declared war by raiding lots of GH members. Now, it's our turn to
 hit them where it going after every computer on the NET with
 a .gov prefix. This shit ain't gonna STOP. We'll keep hitting them 'till
 they get down on their knees and BEG. 

 FBI: Give it up, you've lost. Don't try to prolong the inevitable. 

 F0rpaxe has since released the following statement:

 F0rpaxe needs to inform all people what is going on. At this moment and for
 what we know, F0rpaxe is the only Portuguese group that is executing
 massive attacks on edu, gov , mil, com,servers. Maybe this is the reason why
 F0rpaxe is now being wanted by PJ (Portuguese police) and some
 international organizations like FBI and Interpol. While we had been away for
 a few days we had watch several events on the Portuguese media whitch in a
 certain way implicates F0rpaxe. Some newspapers reported that PJ is now
 doing their homework together with FBI to lock down "Hackers" who
 aleggely are involved on US hacks. 

 Also PJ is now our BIG BROTHER since they are gathering efforts to make a
 net surveillence over POrtugual. For what it seems they have the help of
 Portuguese ISP's like Telapac. Their goal is to track down hackers...

 In an article of "EuroNoticias" they call hackers to the ones who use trojans to
 steal accounts (l0l). If PJ thinks that this is their biggest problem then that info
 about working together with the FBI is a bulshit... Portugal is now passing
 through serious or hilarious actions.. IF the goal of PJ is to track down people
 who use trojans to steal accounts then they have to arrest all population. We
 think that this isn't their main goal since F0rpaxe had been informed that PJ is
 trying to get solide proofs that we are the responsables for all those hacks.

 PJ doesn't scare anyone. IF FBI is really working together with PJ then they
 are doing this only because of us...most certainly to erase us from the
 system... FBI had been mounting schemes to track us down.... FBI had
 already tried to pretend being Iron-Lungs to get info about our current hacks,
 if we still had acess to gov servers, if we had copyed military databases and
 all that sort of things...

 The real I-L reported that the fake I-L wasn't him. The guy was always asking
 things and we just could be just a lamer trying to get some info
 about us... But then the attemptives to track us down started: the guy started
 to contact people who are closed to F0rpaxe ,like some fo attrition staff, in
 order to get our contact like phone etc... They even asked some of them to
 phone us.... When they realized that we had discover they started trying to get
 info from all those who surround us...a few days later an article on a
 newspapper reported that FBI and PJ were (or are?) working together... We
 don't know if all this is the truth or only a misunderstanding but one thing we
 know FBI really want us bad and they will do anything to caught us.

 We think that FBI doesn't want us just because of all the hacks but to show
 that they have the authoritie to arrest hackers of other country's. Although they
 need the permissions of the government and that isn't easy. They should be
 tired of making American Hackers life miserable and now they want to do the
 same with us....... As we told before we had been away for a while because
 things were starting to be pretty bad.

 Groups who work on the shadow
 Some groups just disappear but they don't disappear trully..They start
 working on the shadow because FEDS are always ready to take them
 down...We thought that it would't happen that with us but sooner or later we
 will need to go back to where we the shadow. We also take this
 chance to show our support with people who are now facing legal troubles,
 like I-L, dk, Zyklon.....Kevin and all the others who will face them in the
 futureƖ gH has also our support.

 Information in Portugal 
 Portuguese media isn't aware of all this.... neither some admins who were
 hacked and nothing was reported....In Portugal people don't care about what
 happens...They aren't aware that there are people building an underground
 system. It's just that. On CNN, ZDNET, Wired etc.. they inform what's
 happening.... In Portugal the media just doesn't give a shit.... Maybe this is the
 best for us since this will prevent a media hype and PJ and other FEDS won't
 be after us so soon..but information isn't circulating as it should. People built a
 bad image of the "hacker". Portuguese media report "hackers" as being the
 ones who use trojans... Man....they arten't aware of the true meaning of the
 concept "hacker" They should think about it...

 Why are we doing this?
 We agree with some of the things that had been said by some groups. We are
 always hacking and for what? We hack and hack things whitch can be fixed in
 2 minutes. In fact we could have done worse like destroying completely all
 servers. We can do it if we w ant but hackers are waiting for justice. If FBI
 doesnt stop we wont and we can start destroying. We think that FBI should
 explain what a fuck they are doing. For the moment we wont destroy the
 servers we hack but if it is necessary we can burn alot of servers. For
 example this gov server could be erased completly. Everyone should think
 about this, about whats happening.

 Don't make all this a media hype just inform in a simple manner....people need
 to know. People need to know why all this hacks. People need to know who
 FBI really is.