Date: Mon, 1 May 2000 21:24:43 -0400 (EDT)
From: Carole Fennelly 
Subject: Re: IIS Security Hole (from CRN)
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>The main reason we did not visit his website for info was because he told the
>media he would not provide more detail until a security bulletin was issued by
>Microsoft. We just couldn't wait for that.

Uh, what? RFP had an update on his site the day the media story broke. And the 
idea that he would wait for Microsoft to release a BULLetin is just too 
hysterical for words. I am a writer myself ( and believe me, I 
would *not* wrire an article without at least checking out the facts. I am also 
under deadlines, but that story broke on a Friday morning. By that afternoon, 
RFP released an advisory on his site. It wasn't worth at least looking at his 
site?! Please.

_carole fennelly