All the News That's Fit to Hack by Arik Hesseldahl 4:00am 14.Sep.98.PDT John Vranesevich, founder of AntiOnline, said he knows little about HFG and that this was their first hack of a high-profile site. HFG's other past targets include sites run by the rap artist MC Hammer, NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and a classified ad page belonging to Penthouse Magazine, Vranesevich said. Most of the cracks were done using well-known holes in the Common Gateway Interface (CGI) scripting language, used for various interactive features on Web pages. [JP says he knows little about them, then turns around and claims to know exactly how they broke into sites. Combined with his recent alliance to Carolyn Meinel, and now this, one can't help but wonder if their involvement doesn't go deeper than 'observers']