Quotes that show the real AntiOnline...

Take note of the quotes showing the RACIST John Vranasevich...

"Hack a site today, develop a strong political agenda tomorrow." -- John Vranesevich, Founder, AntiOnline, 10-5-98 "For those neophytes reading this right now, he is NOT a hacker, he's what we in the computer security field call a jack ass." -- John Vranesevich, Founder, AntiOnline, 9-9-98 "It would take a lot more than an act of congress to get AntiOnline shut down." -- John Vranesevich, Founder, AntiOnline, 7-13-98 "i gotta talk to mah nytimes wh0re." -- John Vranesevich, Founder, AntiOnline, 6-4-98, #hackphreak, UnderNet "Well, most of my investment money went to support a cocaine addiction, everything that I have left is going towards re-hab." -- AntiOnline Founder John Vranesevich (JP), 3/22/99, explaining what happened to all of the AntiOnline funding capital "The idea is to have no weaknesses in our network in the first place. Then we won't have to worry about anyone finding them." -- Self-proclaimed security expert John Vranesevich (JP), AntiOnline Founder, commenting on his *perfect* network security "Is it just me, or does this guy sound like he's spewing out propaganda fed to him by Janet Reno herself?" -- John Vranesevich, AntiOnline Founder, 4/5/99, responding to criticism from NeonSurge "I could make just as much, if not more money, by hunting down hackers and turning them in." -- John Vranesevich, AntiOnline Founder, 4/5/99 "You encourage criminals --- you motivate them and fill their ego up with all sorts of shit and give them cheap Publicity. You try to portray these criminals as heros and keep their identities a secret --- JUST FOR ONE REASON --- so that your pocket gets filled up with money --- you seem to be good at using these kids and earning a living." -- NeonSurge, commenting on John Vranesevich and AntiOnline "Let's keep one thing straight. I never 'been there and done that'. I've always been on the right side of the law as far as those sort of things go (well, as far as all things go for that matter). In my case it's more like 'was there, watched that from a distance, took notes'. Heh." -- John Vranesevich, AntiOnline Founder, 4/5/99 "We have had literally hundreds of hack attempts from government computers." -- John Vranesevich, AntiOnline Founder, 4/5/99 "I don't now, nor have I ever, claimed to be a hacker." -- John Vranesevich (JP), AntiOnline Founder, 4/26/99 "Ok, so she wasn't a bitch, she was a whore (Did that last comment go to far? Last thing I need is to loose corporate sponsors. Oh well...)." -- John Vranesevich (JP), AntiOnline Founder, 4/26/99 "If you see a man standing on a street corner snorting crack with a bunch of hookers, you can assume he's not the neighborhood priest. Well, you used to be able to assume that." -- John Vranesevich, AntiOnline founder, in his "How To Be A Hacker Profiler - III" article "Start talking badly about the 'founder' of the group to other 'members' ... spread lies or rumors ... make fictitious posts to popular underground webboards." -- John Vranesevich, AntiOnline founder, 5/3/99 "I have a source that said something about getting a device planted up your ass so they can monitor you too." -- AntiOnline Founder, John Vranesevich, 5/10/99 "I was easily able to find out who you are Jeremy Harrington, proves the point that YOU are the fucking moron. Thanks for playing, and have a nice day =)" -- John Vranesevich, AntiOnline founder, 4/5/99 "I'm still working on Ask Bub and AntiCode. I'm one person, and do what I can." -- John Vranesevich, AntiOnline founder, 4/12/99 (yet he lists a dozen staff members) "What can I say, my English teacher was a bitch.." -- John Vranesevich, AntiOnline founder, 4/20/99 "Shit, the food that my sister eats in the course of a day is enough to feed all of the displaced Kosovo Albanians for a year." -- John Vranesevich, AntiOnline founder, 4/20/99
(After interviewing the whitehouse.gov hackers, Kelvin Wong was corrected on several mistakes in the article by the hackers. This was his reply.) [*] [Whois] [mercs] [*] address : mercs@blackcrows.jupitertech.com [*] ircname : Kelvin Wong (mercs) i did this real quick!! didn't had time to like re-read and change. furthermore, i can't change it anymore@!#!@..so stop complainning!@)#!@)(#!@ (mercs) $%)($!)(@#)@!(#@!)( (mercs) anyway, i'm off people (mercs) got to go to school =( (mercs) ALRIGHT. (mercs) since everyone is bitching at me (mercs) i'm going to go to school (mercs) when i'm, back..i'll fix it up (mercs) MOTHER FUCKERS!@)#(@!#)(!@ Tue May 11 23:42:56 MDT 1999 (mercs_) I hate CPM (mercs_) big time ;)