"I would like to start off by saying that I am not a hacker, or even a computer geek. I am in the entertainment industry. I have worked on major film projects, I have written episodes on Law and Order and I have True Hollywood Stories on the E channel. I was having drinks with a friend on June 2010 and he mention that he found a interesting press release that came across his desk that spoke about racism in the technology industry. I thought to myself that is not an interesting story until he mentions it was among hackers. "Hackers!" I said to him. What could be more boring than a bunch of coke bottle glasses wearing nerds screaming racist remarks? He then went on to say "no one of the hackers in Blackman name Gregory Evans who was in a lot of the entertainment magazines last year when he signed a movie deal with a major film company and the funny part is he use to be my neighbor in Marina Del Rey." A black hacker that could afford to live in Marina Del Rey, I thought to myself. Ok this thing may have a twist to it. Later that night I when I went home I started Googling Gregory Evans and all types of stuff starting coming up. Very interesting guy I thought. Then read post, twitters and interviews with Chris Riley. Then I heard a interview with Gregory Evans. Bingo! I have a new project, "The Cyber Wars." There has never been anything in Hollywood like this before. How could make this more interesting? How could I turn this into a script? How could I sell this to the studio heads? Do I have enough to get started? Then I thought no! My told my son who is an Apple cult follower and he said make a website and follow the story and get other peoples input. So I had him that same night set me up a blog called thecyberwars.com. What could make this blog different from all the other thousands of blogs out there caring this story? I will turn it into a "Don King" type of event. I do not know Gregory Evans or Chris Riley personally. I am totally bias. I am about the facts so when this turns into a story I told it the way it really was. Know I have seen some recent post and hackers can be more ruthless than Los Angeles street gangs. I do not want to post something that hacker may not like then come after me. So my domain name is private and I will not mention my real name until this event is over. So for now, like every boxing match there is a "The Refere." I will be making contact with both sides and asking questions. I then will post these questions and answers unedited on this site. I will also be contacting outside sources to verify the information. I have decided to start this match off with contacting Gregory Evans since it all started with him. On June 28, 2010 I contacted Evans via email and told him what I was working on and asked him if he would be interested, and he agreed. After collecting all the information from Evans I will then contact Riley with a list of questions. When it is all said and done, you the reader will be the judge and vote who one."