EC-Council ECSA Certification is Sexist

In October, 2018, in a thread that is now mostly deleted, Zach Zaffis pointed out that EC-Council's ECSA Certification training material had problematic material:

A certification trying to mandate that professional women must wear certain attire, and that it must include heels, is outdated male-centric sexist views on the workplace and society. Further, for two decades the paying customer often sets dress codes based on the office where the work is performed. Mandating that a certification holder adhere to the certifying body's dress code over a customer is absurd.

Over a year later, after EC-Council posted an incredibly insulting sexist survey to LinkedIn, the training material was brought up again by Ian Coldwater and Greg Dieyr. It is important to point this out because the survey was likely not a one-off incident of sexism or a "rogue employee" who "bypassed" their processes. Instead, it may indicate a more deep-rooted problem at EC-Council.

Twitter user @lucasfryer glibly pointed out a potential reason for what is being perceived as a systemic issue, asking "wHAt eVEr cOuLD tHe ProBLem Be?!" They included this handy visual aide:

We'll point out that at least one of those people are not following the ECSA certification dress code either.

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