From Tue May 12 01:40:41 1998
From: Bob Dobbs 
Date: Thu, 07 May 1998 19:29:09 PDT
Subject: shame...

   I just got done reading your hall of shame on Caroline Meinel...just 
a few quick comments.  First off I want to explain that I just started 
on this epistomoligical trek two years ago, and am just now beginning to 
grasp a small portion of the more esoteric functions and workings of the 
internet/network computer systems.  More often than not I liken it to 
something akin to standing in an ampitheater with a flashlight and 
trying to find out what the entire place looks like...i.e. I have found 
a few walls etc. but not much.  Others run amok with klieg lights...this 
is neither here nor there.
   I was reading the section on Meinel's TCP/IP bit when I came across 
the bit of text where she mentioned something about datagrams and all of 
that and remembered an explanation from the MSCE TCP/IP book I read a 
few months ago.  Not that it matters or anything like that but I cannot 
believe that someone can be THAT ignorant and still attract and audience 
of any sort, her theories are unfounded and her information, I won't 
even get started on that.  In essence what I am trying to say is that if 
a screaming moron newb such as myself can see major technical holes in 
the information that she is disseminating, why is it that the author of 
the original text also cannot?  Does this woman have a brain or are her 
ears held appart by an inert gas?  Possibly nitrogen...or maybe neon.  
Some brave soul should ground her feet and stuff her head into an outlet 
and see if it flouresces...
   At any rate I wanted to send a spot of mail, in regards to this 
issue.  In the past I have had only limited exposure to the types of 
problems that this woman was creating, and was curious as to why others 
held the opinion that they did of her.  Being someone who makes the 
occasional modest attempt at not letting other people's opinions screw 
with their own, I figured I would give Meinel the benefit of the doubt.  
Boy was I ever fucking wrong there.  Thanks for the enlightenment.   

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