Carolyn P. Meinel Hall of Shame
Media Whoring

[My comments are in brackets. No portion of this article has 
 been left out.]

                         Carolyn Meinel -- Hack 101
        People will tell you that there are some things in the world you
   just can't teach. Carolyn Meinel would probably be among the first to
   disagree. She has set about the task of teaching a skill she feels
   will be increasingly important in the years to come -- hacking. This
   mother of four, horse-trainer, and sometimes professor at the
   University of New Mexico produces The Happy Hacker, a mailing list
   devoted to bringing would-be hackers into the fold. Its methods,
   simple; its results, startling. Through an up-beat, up-tempo style,
   littered with "You Can Go to Jail for This" warnings, Mrs. Meinel
   makes it not only fun, but also easy to learn basic hacking skills.
   Carolyn recently took the time to have a little talk with verbosity
   about her endeavors, past, present, and future.
   verbosity: Okay, your background differs from a lot of the hacker
   stereotypes we see today. Can you tell us a little about yourself and
   how you got into hacking?
     Carolyn Meinel:    My first husband, H. Keith Henson, is a dynamite
     hacker with a gonzo sense of humor. When we got married in 1967, I
      was an Earth Mother type, content to bake bread, sew, garden and
        raise children and chickens. But one day in June 1971, Keith
     abruptly bundled me off to a University of Arizona summer class in
                     Fortran programming. I was hooked.
   v: What inspired you to start The Happy Hacker? What do you hope to
   accomplish as a result of it?
      CM:    All sorts of guys were begging me, "Teach me how to hack."
      I'm an industrial engineer (MS, U of Arizona, 1983). I believe in
        efficiency. Instead of teaching all these guys one-on-one, I
        figured I'd set up a production line. Also, a bunch of elite
      hackers joined the list so they can show off how brainy they are.
       So they end up doing most of the work. I'm learning more than I
   v: Have you gained any negative feedback from your work? Any hackers
   getting incensed? Any attempted hacks on your person?
       CM:    Yeah. Hacker war-time. Here's a sample flame from a guy
     styling himself "se7en": "You're claiming membership in a community
     you have contributed nothing to, and are raping for information for
      your own financial gain. You resort to blatant theft of material
      and ideas from others so you can further your financial agenda."
     The Happy Hacker      What really bugs se7en and others like him is
     that I'm sharing hacking information with anyone who wants to
     learn. I'm showing people that hacking is actually easy to do. And
     they're afraid I'll someday make money on a book about hacking.

[What really bugs him (and me) is that you are teaching these kids
 incorrectly. Your guides are full of contradictions and incorrect
          I had to move The Happy Hacker list twice after it got hacked.
     Most system administrators chicken out in the face of even mild
     hacker attacks. But now we are being hosted by Cibola
     Communications in El Paso as a public service. Cibola sysadmin
     Patrick Rutledge and the head sysadmin at the University of Texas
     at El Paso, Gerard Cochrane Jr., are now holding the hack attacks
     at bay. Actually, so far the hack attacks have been pretty lame. So
     that tells me none of the truly elite hackers are excessively
     ticked off at The Happy Hacker list.

[She says this after being hacked over a dozen times on five different
   v: You're a strong advocate of responsible hacking. What would you
   define as responsible in the world of hacking?
     CM:    Anything short of accidentally setting off World War III.
          Seriously, you can hack without breaking the law and without
     harming anyone. Even the hairiest hacks such as breaking into the
     superuser account of a computer or making it crash can be OK if the
     owner of the computer has consented to the experiment. In fact,
     sometimes several hackers make an agreement try to break into each
     other's computers. It's the most exhilarating game on the planet!

[Yet she maintains that it was her idea of "king of the hill" or 
 "hacker wargames".]

          Bottom line: follow the Golden Rule. It worked in Jesus' day.
     It still works today.
   v: What advice would you give a young pup, ready to break into the
   world of bona fide hacking?
     CM:    Get a college degree in either math, computer science,
     electrical engineering or industrial engineering. These all give
     you the theoretical foundations you need to reach the stratosphere
     of the hacker world. Also, spend every extra cent you have on
     computer manuals.
          Gerard Cochrane, Jr., is a great example. He's a graduate
     student in computer science and owns $40,000 worth of manuals. He
     has several secret hacker identities, each one more elite than the
     last. "Kewl d00d" uneducated hackers are totally left in the dust
     when they try to attack his University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP)
     computers. In fact, sometimes people who try to hack UTEP suffer
     mysterious problems...
          Jerry adds, "A quest for knowledge is the biggest need.
     Hackers explore possibilities and are not bound by traditions...we
     always wonder how can it be done. We tend to self teach subjects
     not covered in traditional schooling. I would say hackers are the
     Electronic Scholars of this day and age."
          Now Patrick Rutledge has a slightly different perspective. He
     doesn't have a college degree (yet). But Patrick tells me "I think
     the best hackers are uneducated but curious 12-year-olds with their
     older brother's Commodore 64's and that is no joke, they are
     probably the only people on the net who truly scare me. You don't
     need a PhD to hack a system, actually SOME PhD's are the most
     clueless people I know anyways, but maybe they are just as scary.
     No offense if you know/are/see any PhD's ;)"
          The important thing to remember is that it is much harder to
     defend a computer than to attack it. If you can get a job as a
     sysadmin, you can have all the fun of hacking but do it as the good
     guy. And you'll know you are vastly better than the "code kiddies"
     who go to places like the Scriptors of Doom website to pick up
     programs (e.g. Perl scripts) to use to break into people's
     computers. You'll be vastly better because every day you'll be
     checking out all the websites and e-mail lists where hackers pass
     out these "exploit programs." You'll be the one figuring out ways
     to keep these programs from hacking your computers.
          But the guys who are atttacking you will mostly be ordinary
     back-alley hackers who barely know how to run a program, much less
     patch a computer so it resists an exploit program.
   v: Do you feel that there's been a bastardization of the term "hacker"
   in recent years? Is it becoming too synonymous with "warez puppy" in
   many people's eyes?
     Quote CM:    I'm even more worried about the confusion of us
     old-fashioned harmless hackers with criminals who enjoy "cracking"
     into the computer of someone who doesn't consent to the attack.
     These crackers often do serious damage before they leave. The
     hacker code of ethics -- yes, it does exist -- says you should
     never harm anyone else's computer.
          I'm also bothered by people who ascribe almost supernatural
     talents to hackers. Like the Superman episode in which Jimmy
     complains that a hacker blew up his TV. OK, it was meant as a joke.
     But does the average Superman viewer know that it is impossible for
     someone to use a computer to blow up his or her TV?
   v: In recent months, the media has been giving increased coverage to
   hackers and their deeds? How do you feel about the way the media has
   been treating hackers? How about the hacks on government web sites?
     CM:    The media should get a life. Sheesh, they make such a big
     deal over this stuff, like it takes an act of supreme genius to
     steal credit card numbers or hack a Web site.
          On the other hand, putting pornography up on a government Web
     site was pretty childish. If I were to hack a Web site, it would be
     to play out a harmless practical joke on a good friend. Oh, oh, I
     can see all my friends rushing out to secure their Web sites...
   v: As a hacker, how secure would you feel in ordering products via the
   Internet with your credit card? Is the technology approaching
   hack-proof, or is there still a long ways to go?
     CM:    I've had my credit card abused. Big deal. Two teenagers used
     it to buy computer games and subscribe all their friends to
     Prodigy. I protested the charges and got them removed.
          You are more likely to get your credit card misused by buying
     something from a telephone solicitor than through some sort of
     computer attack. In fact, that was how those teens got my credit
     card number. They pretended to represent my ISP.
          So, yes, we still have a long way to go on credit card
     security. But compared to all the other ways to commit credit card
     fraud, the Internet is still in the noise level.
   v: What would you say is the "best" (or most impressive) hack you've
   ever been made aware of?
     CM:    It was back before most of today's hackers were even born.
     In 1968 a group of computer scientists at the University of
     Illinois at Urbana-Champaign got funding from the Advanced Research
     Projects Agency to set up the first nationwide computer network:
     Plato. It was four CDC 6400s ganged together. Attached to them were
     1024 dumb vector graphics terminals with touch-sensitive screens.
          Plato hosted the first flight simulation programs in history.
     We could fly MIGs, Phantoms, F-104s, X-15s, Sopwith Camels -- you
     name it. Anyhow, these simulators were all tied into this air fight
     game. We'd buzz around shooting each other down and bombing each
     other's airports. We also could hurl insults at each other via text
     messages displayed at the bottom of the screen. I remember making
     too tight a turn in my Phantom while trying to evade an air-to-air
     missile. The screen went blank to simulate me blacking out. Then
     the message cam up: "You just pulled 47 g's on that turn. You now
     look more like a pizza than a human being as you slowly flutter to
          Of course this was just too good to resist. One day in 1974 (I
     think) some guys programmed in the Starship Enterprise. They came
     bombing in from outer space, shot everybody down and then vanished.
   v: Hollywood has also become interested in the hacker over the past
   decade, dating as far back as War Games. Do you feel that their
   portrayal has been a positive thing for the hacking community? Do you
   have any personal favorite hacking movies?
     CM:    I adore Sneakers (1994 release). The writer/producer, Larry
     Lasker, is really into this stuff. Basing a plot on what would
     happen if someone were to discover a polynomial-time-bounded
     algorithm for factoring numbers is beyond cool. The car chases and
     murders were pretty good, too. And the sex scenes. OK, just kidding
     there. Sneakers has no sex scenes and minimal violence. It's a
     great movie to show to children, yet is deep enough to entrance
     even a jaded, ancient hacker like me.
   Quote v: Where do you see the Internet five years from now?
     CM:    I can hardly wait for China Online and a billion clueless
     newbies posting to Usenet. Hackers from Uzbekhistan and Madagascar
     ping flooding each other off IRC. Spam from Mongolia. Kewl.
   v: Where do you see yourself five years from now? Any upcoming
   projects you'd like to talk about?
     CM: I want to improve my wool-spinning and bread-baking skills.
     Maybe some of my four daughters will have produced grandchildren by
     then. I figure around age two or three is a good time to start them
     on hacking.
   v: What's the typical daily routine for Carolyn Meinel?
     * 6:00 AM -- feed horses
     * 6:30 AM -- read e-mail
     * 7:00 AM -- do something to make money
     * 7:15 AM -- wow, I wonder if it will work! I get on my shell
       account and try out a new way to forge headers on e-mail
     * 8:00 AM -- try again to do something that makes money
     * 8:15 AM -- rush over to Scriptors of Doom website to check out the
       latest HP exploit code. Regret that no one will give me permission
       to try to crack their HP box.
     * 9:00 AM -- try again to make money
     * 9:15 AM -- e-mail
     * 4:00 PM -- start bread
     * 10:00 PM -- get Happy Hacker Digest out
     * 10:15 PM -- beddy-bye
     * 3:00 AM -- wake up. Gosh, did someone send me exciting e-mail in
       the middle of the night? Rush to computer. Wow, look at this:

[Consistancy Alert! Above she condems those people who rush to sites
 for the latest script that someone else wrote. Yet she does it
 at 8:15 every morning.]
                  From: Don Whiteside 
          This URL is most fun when you add something to it. Namely:
                             Some suggestions:
          I rush to the Web and enter an URL. I desperately stifle my
     laughter. Don't want to wake up the family! Don't want them to
     discover I'm sneaking in wee hours time on the computer again!
   v: If you could let the world know any one thing about you, what would
   it be? 
     CM:    Forty-two.
          Also, Evisance University has back issues of The Guide to
     (Mostly) Harmless Hacking. You can subscribe to our e-mail list by
     mailing with the message "subscribe."
        We'd like to thank Carolyn for the awesome interview! Be sure to
   check out her Guide to (Mostly) Harmless Hacking archives here and
   here, get on the discussion group, or join up on the list today; it's
   well worth your time. Who knows? Maybe you have that hacker ethos
   buried deep inside...