Hacking's ethical side

15 Nov 2009, 0031 hrs IST, Neha Dewan, ET Bureau


But whats so ethical’about being a hacker? His eyes light up on hearing the obvious question. “I had coined the term when I was writing my first book. The idea basically was that you have the knowledge that a criminal has but you do not misuse the information. The term wasn't widely used before this...but now it is well known," he says.

In 1999 - 2000, when he wrote his first book, the term "ethical hacker" has been in wide-spread use among the security and hacker communites for some time. According to "Ethical hacking" by C.C. Palmer, he footnotes that "The first use of the term "ethical hackers" appears to have been in an interview with John Patrick of IBM by Gary Anthens that appeared in a June 1995 issue of ComputerWorld."

A career in hacking?

4 Jan, 2011, 04.07AM IST, Vinnie Bhadra,ET Bureau


"When I got my first book published at the age of 14, the concept of 'good hacking' in those days did not exist.

So, it took me a year to pitch the idea to my publishers and have them evaluate it. In order to sell the idea to the readers, we had to coin the term, 'ethical hacking', which was never heard of ever in India," says Fadia.

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