Data Loss Database - Open Source Key

The following is a key for data types included in the Data Loss Database - Open Source:

US = United States
BM = Bermuda
CA = Canada
IN = India
JP = Japan
GB = United Kingdom/Great Britain
AU = Australia
IE = Ireland

Business Type:
BIZ = Business
GOV = Government
EDU = Education
MED = Medical

Business Sub Type:
FIN = Financial
TECH = Technical
RETAIL = Retail
FED = Federal
DATA = Data Broker
MEDIA = Media
UNI = University
IND = Industry
STATE = State
NFP = Not For Profit
ORG = Organization
HOS = Hospital
PRO = Provider
HS = High School
INS = Insurance
COUNTY = County
HOTEL = Hotel
CITY= City

Breach Type:
Hack = computer-based intrusion, data not generally publically exposed
Web = computer/web-based intrusion, data typically available to the general public
Stolen/Lost Laptop = Stolen/Lost Laptop (generally specified as a laptop in media reports)
Stolen/Lost Computer = Stolen/Lost Desktop or unspecified computer type in media reports)
Stolen/Lost Disk Drive = Stolen/Lost data drive, unspecified if IDE, SCSI, thumb drive, etc)
Stolen/Lost Tapes = Stolen/Lost backup tapes
Fraud-SE = Fraud or Scam (usually insider-related), Social Engineering
Email = email communication exposed to unintended third party
Snail Mail = info in "snail mail" exposed to unintended third party
Disposal = discovery of documents not disposed of properly

Data Type:
CCN = Credit Card Number
SSN = Social Security Number (or international equivalent)
NAA = Name And/Or Address
PPN = Private Personal Information (generic)
MISC = Miscellaneous
EMA = Email Address
ACC = Account Number
FIN = Financial Information

Data Type 2:
NAA = Name And/Or Address
EMA = Email Address
CCN = Credit Card Number
MED = Medical Information
ACC = Account Number
FIN = Financial Information
DOB = Date of Birth

All other columns should be self explanatory. The RefPage column refers to the html page on that hosts an archived news story ([year]/); these have since been moved into subdirectories sorted by year and month. Please feel free to add columns and plug in missing data as needed. If you find an error or missing entry, please email us and we'll update our copy of the data accordingly. Any other suggestions, comments, or concerns, please email us.

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