Juror data breach is reported

July 4, 2008

By Antonio Planas, Review-Journal


In a District Court security breach, a contracted vendor released personal information on about 380 potential jurors to an employee's private e-mail address, court officials said Thursday.

Clark County court officials said the people affected were notified by letters sent out Monday. Court officials did not specify whether the breach was intentional or accidental. They also didn't specify when the incident occurred.

The information was transferred from the printing company that prepares jury summons notices to an unidentified employee's e-mail account.

The information provided to the e-mail account could have included names, addresses, social security numbers and birth dates. After reviewing the matter, court officials determined much of the personal information released was incomplete.

The 380 people affected represented only a fraction of the 1.7 million people who make up the jury summons list, court officials said.

In the letters sent to those affected, the court suggested individuals obtain credit reports to determine whether any unauthorized activity occurred. Court officials said affected individuals could request that an initial free alert be placed on their credit files by calling any one of three national credit reporting agencies: Equifax, Experian or TransUnion.

Court officials said they have since removed all personal identifiers from the jury summons list such as birth dates and social security numbers. Local, state and federal law enforcement agencies were notified of the security breach and are investigating. The private vendor is cooperating with the investigation, court officials said.

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