Laptop Stolen With 22,000 Kaiser Patients' Data

February 14, 2007

By Sherry Hu

In yet another instance of laptop theft potentially endangering personal data, Kaiser Permanente is in the process of notifying as many as 22,000 patients of a possible breach of their private medical information.

The personal information was located on a doctor's laptop computer stolen from the Medical Center in Oakland at the end of last November.

There were no details provided about where or how the laptop was taken, but a Kaiser spokesman said it was likely a random and isolated crime of opportunity.

Kaiser said the majority of patients had only limited information listed on the laptop, but 500 of them included social security numbers.

Kaiser officials said they are implementing a new systemwide policy that prohibits storage of member data on the hard drive of any desktop, laptop or mobile device. A spokesman also said information on all electronic devices will now be encrypted.

Anyone with questions about the stolen laptop containing patient information can call Kaiser at 1-866-529-0779.

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