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Standing in the Shadows of Motown (2002)

Medium: Movie (Vimeo)

Rating: 5 / 5  Great story telling, fantastic music, Library of Congress footage

Reviewer: cyberplayground

Reference(s): IMDB Listing || Trailer

The musicians who played behind all of the Motown stars on their studio recordings were the Funk Brothers. Paul Justman's documentary, based on a book by Allan Slutsky, gives belated praise to Motown's house musicians, the men who played under all the Motown hits recorded in Detroit. Nominated for best documentary and 2x grammy winner. Great story telling, fantastic music, Library of Congress footage.

Raya and the Last Dragon (2021)

Medium: Movie (Disney+)

Reviewer: mauvehed

Reference(s): IMDB Listing || Trailer

If anyone here (especially with kids) hasn't watched it, do so! Our house has watched it two or three times and even Mom and Dad enjoy it a lot.

Shadow and Bone S1 (2021)

Medium: TV (Netflix)

Rating: 3.8 / 5  Iron Curtain/Young Adult/Victorian/mashup-from-hell

Reviewer: martums

Reference(s): IMDB Listing || Trailer

Yet another borderline-absurd genre mashup. A decade ago, it seemed like there were too many vampire/werewolf *yawn* etc. Lately it seems there are a growing array of Young Mutants/period pieces/shakes-magic-8-ball STOP. We get it, Netflix. It's difficult to do one genre well, but it's apparently adequate to do genre-mashups...adequately? (This after I read Disney+ dropped Agents of Shield). *impatient sigh* Many cast members shine (sorry) through the absurdity and make it almost compelling--including Jessie Mei Li, Amita Suman, and Ben Barnes (deliciously despicable as the principal antagonist). Hey studios--just do one genre well, (very well, if possible).

Black Widow (2021)

Medium: Movie (Disney+)

Rating: 1 / 5  i'd rather watch the peacock spider

Reviewer: jericho

Reference(s): IMDB Listing || Trailer

Marvel whipped out its script; the script they use to write movie scripts for MCU films. Formulaic, predictable, and have gotten boring. Black Widow has potential for a more interesting back story and tie-in to the current timeline and Marvel fell way short on that I think. Comedic character? Check. Over-engineered fight scenes that aren't clever? Check. Basically, instead of making the character more interesting and getting us more invested, we're left with a movie that didn't really matter if it came out. Personally, I find the Black Widow character entirely more interesting after the first she appeared in and a lot less so after this one. Finally, I hope the camera crew didn't injure their backs bending over to get all the shots highlighting the women's asses.

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