You see... Lyger likes the DC comic universe and has a fond spot for Batman. So Jericho followed his lead and reviewed superhero movies, including two DC ones! He might catch serious shit, or a Batarang in his dark night, for reviewing Joker before Lyger did though.

Lyger to Jericho in chat, before reading the intro: "you stole Joker from me. I approve"

Jericho wanted the Batarang.


Batman: Year One (2011)

Medium: TV (Amazon)

Rating: 4.5/5 Your Father's Trousers

Reviewer: lyger

Reference(s): IMDB Listing || Amazon

From Frank Miller's 1988 classic, my hardcover book came with a digital copy code and two DVDs, one of special features. You are watching a 64 minute movie, not a cartoon. It's a part of the classic architecture that helped to define the modern Batman. It is dark and gritty, as lives sometimes are. The movie is very true to the book, although the movie has a few more scenes in light, but that helps with the adaptation to video. A boy named Bruce becomes a man, and then that man becomes a different man through an omen. Paths change. This is what may have happened at the beginning. It doesn't end. I would give this a higher rating, but I'm completely biased as a life-long Batman fan.

And for infosec people, quotes:

"I hate the job and I hate the gun, but I keep practicing." - Jim Gordon

"I know pain. I know pain. And sometimes I share it with someone like you." - Batman

Freaks (2018)

Medium: Movie (Netflix)

Rating: 4/5 every single character is a freak

Reviewer: jericho

Reference(s): IMDB Listing || Netflix

This Canadian-made super-(anti)-hero movie is a different style than many movies of the genre. It starts out a bit slow and leaves you wondering what is happening and some of those questions go unanswered until very late in the movie. But it has a good slow buildup, good casting, a simple premise, and a solid conclusion. Slightly dystopian where anyone with any power is labeled a 'freak' and hunted by the government. This movie doesn't spoon feed you a simple person with powers like most mainstream films of the sort. Worth a watch.

Joker (2019)

Medium: Movie (HBO Max)

Rating: 5/5 he'll laugh, you'll laugh

Reviewer: jericho

Reference(s): IMDB Listing || Amazon

I saw this in theaters, you know, just before the society-crippling pandemic robbed us of basic joys. I left the theater confused, not sure if I really liked the movie or really didn't. By that night, after a discussion with Lyger, I realized that I really liked it. I re-watched it recently and still really enjoy it. The biggest factor is that it is a complete break from the DC universe as far as style goes. While we have seen Batman's origin story, in one form or another, many times over, the villain's origin stories are often relegated to fairly quick scenes (Suicide Squad) or not explored (The Dark Knight). Having an entire movie to see how Todd Phillips' envisioned this iconic villain's origin was worth the adventure. This movie leans a bit toward Nolan's Batman trilogy as far as feel and is the polar opposite of other DC offerings like Superman, Wonder Woman, or Aquaman. Forget the DC universe when you go into this, just focus on this movie and Phoenix's incredible portrayal of Joker.

Aquaman (2018)

Medium: Movie (Multiple)

Rating: 0.5/5 this movie s(t)inks

Reviewer: jericho

Reference(s): IMDB Listing || Amazon

For some reason, DC Comics has a problem making good movies with few exceptions, and this isn't Nolan's Batman or Wonder Woman. Instead, Aquaman had the feel of a franchise desperate to create the feel of a Marvel Universe movie. Every single thing was predictable, cliche, and boring. "There's too many casualties!" But let's stop for a sloppy wet kiss of course. Seriously, we need a new word for "overdone movie cliche". They tried to make this by loading it with big names but as we often see, put that many big names together and they still can't save a movie. Skip this, take a bath instead.

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