- This is a personally owned and privately operated system. You have
no rights here.
- Any mail entering this system not intended for a mail list becomes the sole property of Attrition.org or the staff members
here. By mailing any member of Attrition.org, you forfeit any claim of copyright. Email, book reviews, movie reviews, music
reviews, commentary, and all other submitted work become copyrighted to Attrition.org staff. Email confidentiality agreements and disclaimers are
considered invalid for mail coming into this system. By emailing anyone on this system, you agree
not to use such bogus disclaimers. Further, you agree not to send email containing HTML content or any
executable content. Emailing anyone at Attrition.org denotes your agreement with these rules.
Don't agree? Then don't mail us.
- We block systems that send us spam. If you are having a problem
mailing us and keep getting an insulting error, you are sending mail from a machine or mail relay that has sent us spam in the
past. Inactive administration causes these systems to stay blocked. Feel free to mail us if you think this is unfair or would
like the block lifted, but don't hold your breath. Please note, many users here run spam filters such as SpamAssassin or Bogofilter, and even an unnamed front-end spam filter that has over a 99% block rate. If you
send mail to us and it doesn't get answered in a few days, verify your mail doesn't have characteristics or signatures of
spam. For the spam harvest software that doesn't actually read pages, enjoy our harvest page.
- We like RFC standards when they suit us.
- We will block incoming mail (SMTP) traffic as we see fit. Domains
that do not follow RFC guidelines will be blocked. Specifically, not following
RFC 2142 (section 4) and
RFC 2821 (section 4.5.1) will result in your entire domain
being blocked from sending us email. We don't care if you are a national ISP with
a few million customers.
- We will block incoming web (HTTP) traffic as we see fit. Browsers/clients that
spoof user agents or HREF's will also be blocked at our discretion. Specifically,
not following RFC 1945 (section 10.13 and 10.15) or
RFC 2616 (section 14.36 and 14.43) will result
in your domain or client being blocked. We understand that "wget happens", but not throttling page retrieval may
adversely affect your ability to access this site via our actions (e.g. iptables --dport 443 -j REJECT).
- Significant domains/subnets being blocked from reaching this network:
- The colors on this web site may not be friendly to you, but they can be overridden by your own
CSS if you desire. If this is confusing to you, spend time reading up on CSS files instead of
mailing us. Section 508 is a relevant statute concerning
availability of resources for those affected by the ADA. Note that
it covers federal agencies in the U.S., but not does regulate personally owned web sites, which
this is. This was further upheld by U.S. District Judge Patricia Seitz who ruled
that ADA provisions only apply to physical space, not the Internet.
- The mail lists we run and administer are done so on our own free time. We're not
doing this to deal with hundreds of emails due to your stupidity. You will be removed from
any/all mail lists at our discretion, without warning, as we see fit. Some of the things
that can lead to this:
- Implementing dumb auto-responders or vacation programs.
- Using a mail system with quota problems.
- Using systems with DNS more flaky than our own.
- Sending insipid comments and replying to every piece of mail.
- Using mail forwarding and systems that do not follow RFC guidelines.
- Our ISP is not responsible for our content. This has been the case for a long time
and upheld in court repeatedly (see below). More recently, the Digital
Millenium Copyright Act (DCMA) specifically states in Title II, Sec. 202, 512:
"(a) TRANSITORY DIGITAL NETWORK COMMUNICATIONS -- A service provider shall not
be liable for monetary relief, or, except as provided in subsection (j), for
injunctive or other equitable relief, for infringement of copyright by reason
of the provider's transmitting, routing, or providing connections for, material
through a system or network controlled or operated by or for the service provider,
or by reason of the intermediate and transient storage of that material in the
course of such transmitting, routing, or providing connections, if-
``(1) the transmission of the material was initiated by or at
the direction of a person other than the service provider;
``(2) the transmission, routing, provision of connections, or
storage is carried out through an automatic technical process
without selection of the material by the service provider;
``(3) the service provider does not select the recipients of the
material except as an automatic response to the request of an-
other person;
``(4) no copy of the material made by the service provider in
the course of such intermediate or transient storage is main-
tained on the system or network in a manner ordinarily acces-
sible to anyone other than anticipated recipients, and no such
copy is maintained on the system or network in a manner ordi-
narily accessible to such anticipated recipients for a longer pe-
riod than is reasonably necessary for the transmission, routing,
or provision of connections; and
``(5) the material is transmitted through the system or net-
work without modification of its content.
For those who didn't read the legalese above, it states that ISPs
are NOT liable for customer content. Previous case law further shows this is true:
Prodigy Prevails in Libel Suit
AOL Cleared of Defamation
CDA's ISP Protections Upheld
Blumenthal v America Online and Zeran vs America Online
Batzel vs Cremers/Smith (Jun 9, 2004)
If you try to mail our ISP they will have absolutely NO control over our content. If
they threaten to drop our connection, we will move the content to another server
outside the US, to a more friendly ISP with backbone or to a server in international waters (outside of any
legal jurisdiction). In short, legal threats are NOT a valid tactic against us. We've gone up against bigger
companies and government agencies than you, we guarantee it.
Likewise, Attrition.org is not responsible for individual user web page content.
- This system may contain language, images, ideas, or philosophies that may be offensive to some, and a turn-on to others.
This is your warning. If you do not wish to browse that type of
material, hit your back button at least twice. Make sure there
is no reference to 'attrition.org' in your location box. If you
are unsure what this means, click here.
- We really don't care. We don't need your feedback. Your flames, insults,
begging and other tripe will potentially be used on our going postal
page or sent to anyone we choose. We will include any portion of your mail on that page if we see fit, including
full headers and X-Originating-IP if we choose. Let us repeat this so we are clear: WE DO NOT CARE.
- Privacy Policy: You have no privacy what-so-ever.
- If you have a complaint, question, problem, or anything associated with those words, mail us please. In case you are
not aware, there is a Chain of
Command for that sort of thing. Please address these grievances with us. We do not
guarantee we will comply with your wish, but we will give it the due attention we feel
it deserves. Polite and valid requests will be complied with quickly and professionally.