PERL and the Art of Looking It Up Yourself
Cancer Omega <>
Hardly a week goes by when we don't receive a request for the contents of the code that does the following on the Attrition Main Page:
"well, he tested positive for crazy anyway, so..."
It's a little quote cranked out by a little program that took very little time to write.
This document explaining the code took longer to write than the code itself. The reason: this code and its functionality are beyond simple; they're trivial. To wit:
That's it. That's right. That's IT. Like I said, this code is TRIVIAL. Minimal research (via a resource such as CPAN or even Google) by anyone with even the slightest understanding of PERL would have yielded more than ample information to compose a similar if not identical script! Look, I don't mind helping people. I don't even mind giving people quick answers to quick questions. But when people write to me asking for this data without so much as even perfunctory research on their own...well, that's where I get a bit annoyed. From this time forward, any "gimme" requests for script codes aren't going to get an answer; they're going to get forked over to the Attrition Going Postal section.