Going Postal

From: /dev/null (null@attrition.org)
To: Hacker Hacker (hacker-@whatthefuck.com)
Cc: staff@attrition.org
Date: Mon, 4 Sep 2000 22:29:01 -0600 (MDT)
Subject: re: Re: yale130132195040.student.yale.edu by Hacker

On Mon, 4 Sep 2000, Hacker Hacker wrote:

: Ive seen you guys post that kind of shit before. What the fuck is
: attrition.orgs problem with me? Just post the fucking defacement your
: not there to judge everything that comes thru ur fuckin server. get a
: fuckin script to post the shit jeezus...You guys need to just stop with
: the fuckin fed bullshit and everything thats been getting old too
: jackass.

Well...that's a mature response.  Chock full of profanity and insults.
But I see no reason why I should sink to the same level.

For the record, attrition.org does not have a problem with you.  In
general, we have extremely little regard for web defacements at all;
nothing would make us happier than to see web defacements stop altogether
and our mirror to be made unnecessary.  Do keep this in mind, as we're a
bit short with all defacers, not just you.

As regards the exclamation "Just post the fucking defacement your not
there to judge everything that comes thru ur fuckin server" -- actually,
yes, we -are- here to judge everything that comes through our fucking
server.  It's our fucking server.  We have that prerogative -- we paid for
it.  If that doesn't seem fair...well, frankly, too bad.  Once you get out
of high school, you'll learn that life's like that sometimes.

Also, as regards "get a fuckin script to post the shit jeezus"...yes, we
could just get a fucking script.  I could write that script myself. 
However, Attrition's mirror is worthless if it is not accurate.  A lot of
people mail us with sites that aren't really defaced, aren't reachable, or
are free sites that they registered themselves just to try and get on the
mirror.  We've even seen people ask an admin to deface his own site with
the person's name just to get on the mirror.  Now, if we allowed that
nonsense, our mirror would be useless.  You wouldn't be able to tell the
real defacers from the morons who write us claiming they've hit a site
when they haven't at all.  We have to verify mirrors ourselves -- we have
to check them manually, look for the defacement, and make sure it's within
the boundaries we've set.  We don't mirror subpages or subdirectories.  We
don't mirror free sites.  We don't mirror vanity redirects.  And we don't
mirror machines that are blatantly some kid's desktop machine on his
dorm's LAN.  It really isn't all that difficult.

That said, if you're still reading this far, I'd like to address the last
sentence: "You guys need to just stop with the fuckin fed bullshit and
everything thats been getting old too jackass."  Ah.  Is that so.  Well,
let me donate a fucking clue, you little dollop of the putrid slime that
forms on top of stagnant sewer water.  We're not feds and if we were I do
assure you I wouldn't be wasting my time trying to drill holes in your
thick scalp in hopes that someday someone might skullfuck a hint into what
passes for a brain.  We have rules.  Read them, if you can manage to do
so, you pre-pubescent pestilent penis wrinkle.  Your lack of IQ is -not-
our fucking problem.  If you take issue with our customer service, you can
lick the dried urine crystals from the underside of my toilet lid.  You're
not paying my salary, you callow camel cock, and until you start sending
in the paychecks your can consider yourself cordially invited to shut the
fuck up and quit your whining when we don't tongue-bathe your sphincter to
your satisfaction.  Remember: if you're not grown-up enough to use your
computer nicely, Mommy might have to come take it away from you, you
self-important little fuck.

Hope this helps!