From: To: Date: Thu, 1 Apr 2004 07:59:47 EST Subject: hey whatz this site about? i was wondering how to hack parental controls? i need to know please help
From: security curmudgeon ( To: Date: Fri, 2 Apr 2004 03:59:13 -0500 (EST) Subject: Re: hey whatz this site about? : i was wondering how to hack parental controls? use a rubber hose, beat them in the legs until they give up the password that locks you out.
Before we continue, notice the dates on the first mail and the next. While it isn't that far apart, I get a LOT of mail these days. Worse, I get a lot of insipid mail that immediately gets filed to the "cluebag" folder without a second thought. I don't exactly put a lot of resources in remembering jackholes that mail me. So when I received the next e-mail, I had forgotten he had mailed in the first place, and why I keep saying he mailed me out of the blue about 'her password'.
From: To: Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2004 07:10:50 EDT Subject: (no subject) no seriously though, i think i know what her password mite be
From: security curmudgeon ( To: Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2004 07:20:27 -0400 (EDT) Subject: Re: (no subject) : no seriously though, i think i know what her password mite be no way you know it, can't see how anyone would guess "fU|
From: To: Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2004 12:14:32 EDT Subject: Re: (no subject) y r u so mean? i just wanted to ask a question u didnt have to be a smartass about it unless ur being serious which i honestly doubt
From: security curmudgeonTo: Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2004 17:56:17 -0400 (EDT) Subject: Re: (no subject) : y r u so mean? i just wanted to ask a question u didnt have to be a : smartass about it unless ur being serious which i honestly doubt y r u so dum? fucking spell out words at the very least, if you insist on sending me lame mail with no previous reference or clue as to what the fuck you are babbling about. thanks! ~ /hugs
From: To: Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2004 11:45:32 EDT Subject: Re: (no subject) u kno what the fuck im talking about. now ur just bein a jackass. i dont see y u hav g2 kuss in ur mail. u dont hav 2 b mean u kno. o & this is how i write. at first i thought u were knda kewl. nut now i kno ur just rlly mean and hateful. if u cant do what i asked u culdve just said so. i wuldnt hav kept bothering u. please dont b mean if u write again. so just cut the crap and giv me a straight non-smartass answer please. if u culd do that i wuld be very gr8ful. have a nice day bubye
From: security curmudgeon ( To: Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2004 16:16:44 -0400 (EDT) Subject: Re: (no subject) : u kno what the fuck im talking about. Actually I don't, and that is why I said I had no idea. When I get mail out of the about "her password" and your inane babble, I have no clue what you want. : now ur just bein a jackass. : i dont see y u hav g2 kuss in ur mail. And you don't have to talk like a 13 year old with Downs Syndrome either. Spell out words like your IQ is above 50. : u dont hav 2 b mean u kno. You don't have to be a clueless moron "u kno". : o & this is how i write. And this is how I write. Fucking hypocrite. : at first i thought u were knda kewl. At first, I thought you were a moron. I still think that. : nut now i kno ur just rlly mean and hateful. : if u cant do what i asked u culdve just said so. Your first mail said: no seriously though, i think i know what her password mite be And nothing else. What are you asking? This isn't asking anything. This is digital vomit being passed off as communication in some ass backwards world you live in. Quit sucking on the virtual crack pipe for ten minutes and ask a question, or shut the fuck up. : i wuldnt hav kept bothering u. : please dont b mean if u write again. Please don't be an insipid jackass moron if you write again. : so just cut the crap and giv me a straight non-smartass answer please. You cut the crap. You mailed me, so we play by my rules. : if u culd do that i wuld be very gr8ful. If you could show a shred of intelligence on your next reply, i'd be grateful too.
From: To: Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2004 11:27:07 EDT Subject: Re: (no subject) alrite now I'm fuckin pissed. dont u evr say nothing about ppl with down syndrome again. I have a brother with down syndrome and they r NOT stupid u jackass. maybe u shuld watch what the hell u say b4 u say it cuz it mite offend someone. I dont kno what happened 2 u 2 make u so mean, but u dont hav 2 b mean to other ppl. oh and by the way I have 120 IQ and i am only 15 so shut the fuck up! IF u evr talk about me being a MORON maybe u shuld glance in the fucking mirror cuz u r a moron for thinking u can say anything and get away with it. Tell me what is ur fucking problem. Is it bcuz u hav nothin better to do than pick on ppl who have an honest to god question. If u send another peice of mail u better fuckin watch urself. U r probably some computer geek and that is probably why we dont get along at all. I am what u mite call a sports freak I spend 3 hours of every day working out. so thanx for ur time. =) bubye
From: security curmudgeon ( To: Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2004 17:20:44 -0400 (EDT) Subject: Re: (no subject) : alrite now I'm fuckin pissed. dont u evr say nothing about ppl with down I bet you are foaming at the mouth and drooling all over yourself, typing with two fingers in pure unadulterated anger! : syndrome again. I have a brother with down syndrome and they r NOT You sure it's not your brother that has a brother with Downs? : stupid u jackass. maybe u shuld watch what the hell u say b4 u say it Ooooh hey, that's good advice. Take some of it yourself please. You keep forgetting YOU mailed me first, with some inane babble about "her password". The fact that quoting email is obviously above your mental grasp makes it difficult for you to remember this from mail to mail. Your attention span is as short as the gap between your ears. : cuz it mite offend someone. I dont kno what happened 2 u 2 make u so : mean, but u dont hav 2 b mean to other ppl. oh and by the way I have 120 What happened was stupid people mailing me insipid shit. : IQ and i am only 15 so shut the fuck up! IF u evr talk about me being a : MORON maybe u shuld glance in the fucking mirror cuz u r a moron for : thinking u can say anything and get away with it. Tell me what is ur 120 IQ and you say this crap? Let me educate you Mr 120 IQ. First, you are a raging fucking moron, plain and simple. READ what you are typing to me please. All of this "u r 2" bullshit is indicative of Jerry Springer white trash that struggled to get double digits on an IQ test. Second, I *can* say anything I want. This pesky little thing called 'free speech' does wonders. Add to that the fact that you mailed me and continue to, and I can say whatever I please, about whoever I want. So take the finger out of your ass and pretend your IQ is half as much as you claim, mmkay? : fucking problem. Is it bcuz u hav nothin better to do than pick on ppl : who have an honest to god question. If u send another peice of mail u For the last fucking time you mental throwback, you did NOT ask me a question. How hard is that to grasp? Could you kindly request summer school and a chance to repeat third grade before we continue this conversation? You told me you "think you know her password" and nothing else. Sorry, I don't speak retardese, i'm not exactly sure what that means. If you have nothing better to do than see how many letters you can leave off in an e-mail, just quit mailing me and go back to staring at your friend's ass in the locker room. : better fuckin watch urself. U r probably some computer geek and that is : probably why we dont get along at all. I am what u mite call a sports : freak I spend 3 hours of every day working out. so thanx for ur time. No, I might call you an insecure babbling dork that hides behind sports to mask the fact he has sub par intelligence and can't hold a converation about anything other than lifting weights and latent homosexual desire. Those 3 hours of working out have clearly dispersed your brain and it has drifted down into those oversized zits you call muscles. Put your brother on the computer if you reply, I bet his emails will be a lot easier to read and display levels of intelligence unknown to you.
From: To: Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2004 14:46:16 EDT Subject: Re: This is kind of an apology WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE????????? DO NOT EVER TALK ABOUT MY BROTHER!!!!!!!!! DO NOT EVER USE THE WORD RETARDESE!!!!!!!!! IF I HAD THE FUCKING CHANCE I WOULD KICK YOU ASS SO HARD!!!!!!!!!! YOUR RIGHT I DID E-MAIL YOU FIRST... BUT THAT DOESN'T GIVE YOU THE RIGHT TO BE A JACKASS!!!!!!!!! OH AND HAVE YOU NOTICED I CAN SPELL!!!!!!!!!! I GUESS YOU ARE JUST SO STUPID YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND THE CONCEPT OF INTERNET LINGO!!!!!!!!! OH AND BY THE BY: THE CAPITAL LETTERS MEAN I AM YELLING AT YOU!!!!!!!!! ALSO I SKIPPED THE THIRD GRADE SO IF I WENT BACK TO IT I WOULDN'T BE REPEATING IT I WOULD BE TAKING IT FOR THE FIRST TIME!!!!!!!!! PRETTY IRONIC HUH FUCKO!!!!!!!!! OH AND FUCKO ISN'T A WORD I MADE UP IT IS AN ADAPTATION OF THE WORD BUCKO!!!!!!!!! OH AND I AM GAY!!!!!!!!! GOT A PROBLEM WITH THAT??!!?? I STILL HAVE A LOT MORE FRIENDS THAN YOU EVER WILL!!!!!!!!! I AM PROBABLY ONE OF THE MOST POPULAR PEOPL IN MY SCHOOL!!!!!!!!! THAT'S BECAUSE I TRY TO BE NICE TO PEOPLE AND I AM NOT FEMININE I ACT LIKE ANY OTHER GUY!!!!!!!!! YOU MIGHT BE ABLE TO SAY WHATEVER YOU WNAT BUT I ALSO HAVE THE RIGHT TO REPORT YOU!!!!!!!!! I COULD ALSO PROBABLY SUE YOU FOR A CONSIDERABLE AMOUNT OF MONEY NOW FOR THE COMMENTS YOU'VE MADE SO FAR!!!!!!!!! THE GROUNDS WOULD PROBABLY HAVE TO BE MENTAL DISTRESS AND ANGUISH BUT I BET IT WOULD WORK IN THIS COUNTRY!!!!!!!!! OH ONE LAST THING. THE QUESTION IN THE BEGINNING WAS HOW CAN I BYPASS PARENTAL CONTROLS OR HACK INTO MY MOM'S SCREENNAME!!!!!!!!! I DON'T RECALL WRITING "HER PASSWORD". Ahh i am a little calmer now. Yelling for a long time really does make you feel better. I need to talk to you in a more conventional way than e-mail. If you have an instan messaging capable screenname I would like to get it so i could yell at you and this problem might get solved. My last statement will be this: If you need something more specific like my mo's screenname I can't give it to you because she has been hacked and screwed over by people like you before. So if you need a screenname I am truly sorry for wasting your time. I hope you don't have any bad feelings towards me because I still think you are really cool. I like people who will stand up for themselves and what they believe in. I probably got angry because I am a lot like you. Thanks a lot for being patient with me. From: Someone who now considers you a friend. In a weird way.=)
From: security curmudgeon ( To: Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2004 21:39:01 -0400 (EDT) Subject: Re: This is kind of an apology ok let's play a game.. : IF I HAD THE FUCKING CHANCE I WOULD KICK YOU ASS SO HARD!!!!!!!!!! : YOU MIGHT BE ABLE TO SAY WHATEVER YOU WNAT BUT I ALSO HAVE THE RIGHT TO : REPORT YOU!!!!!!!!! you report me, i'll report you. let's see who loses their account first, deal? i'll go first.. : I COULD ALSO PROBABLY SUE YOU FOR A CONSIDERABLE AMOUNT OF MONEY NOW FOR THE : COMMENTS YOU'VE MADE SO FAR!!!!!!!!! : THE GROUNDS WOULD PROBABLY HAVE TO BE MENTAL DISTRESS AND ANGUISH BUT I BET : IT WOULD WORK IN THIS COUNTRY!!!!!!!!! i bet it wouldn't. : THE QUESTION IN THE BEGINNING WAS HOW CAN I BYPASS PARENTAL CONTROLS OR HACK : INTO MY MOM'S SCREENNAME!!!!!!!!! : I DON'T RECALL WRITING "HER PASSWORD". From: To: Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2004 07:10:50 EDT Subject: (no subject) no seriously though, i think i know what her password mite be --- You were saying? : I need to talk to you in a more conventional way than e-mail. you aren't worth the time. : My last statement will be this: If you need something more specific like my : mo's screenname I can't give it to you because she has been hacked and screwed : over by people like you before. oh yes, you know me. : I probably got angry because I am a lot like you. you just want to toss my salad.
From: To: Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2004 18:45:10 EDT Subject: This is kind of an apology again Look I am sorry I went off on you. To tell you the truth if I met you I would probably think you were a cool guy. I also think you would realize that I am not that bad either. I am trying to show you that. I don't like it when people don't like me. I try to make everyone I meet one of my friends. I am not going to report you because that was just a stupid attempt to threaten you to stop bugging me. I really do think you are cool. If it is alright with you I would like to be on good terms with you. Oh, and I don't need you to answer my question. I didn't really expect you to answer me in the first place. I am truly sorry that I got defensive. That is just the way I am. If it is alright with you I would also like to keeep communicating with you except this time on a friendly basis. My instant messaging screename thingy is just like my mailing adress. Talk to me if you can find some time. Oh and I am also sorry for wasting your time.