From: "Aphrazel ." (
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 17:20:01 -0700
Subject: still waiting

Hey.  I was checking out you site today and was wondering if you knew
of any recent articles on ESS most of the ones I've found are quite out-dated
and don't cut it any more.  Also, before you go spouting off in your
articles remember that the second ammendment only applies to those in
state-recognized militias.  The average civilian doesn't have a constitutional
right to carry a gun. 

   Keep the net connected

From: Cancer Omega (
To: "Aphrazel ." (
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 20:54:02 -0600 (MDT)
Subject: Re: still waiting

On Tue, 11 Sep 2001, Aphrazel . wrote: 

: Hey.  I was checking out you site today and was wondering if you knew
: of any recent articles on ESS most of the ones I've found are quite out-dated
: and don't cut it any more.

Gee, that's too bad.

: Also, before you go spouting off in your articles remember that the
: second ammendment only applies to those in state-recognized militias. 
: The average civilian doesn't have a constitutional right to carry a gun.

Let me see if I understand you here:

1.	"the people" in the First Amendment means *the people*;
2.	"the people" in the Fourth Amendment means *the people*;
3.	"the people" in the Ninth Amendment means, *the people*;
4.	...but "the people" in the Second Amendment (ratified in 1787)
	means the National Guard (which was created by an Act of Congress
	in *1917*).

God, you are one stupid fucking chimp.


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