From: ----- (
	Date: Sun, 8 Aug 1999 00:54:27 -0700
	Subject: Cracking Web-Pages

	Hi ...

	I'm wondering how your cracking these pages ... on the net.  
	your using UNIX right?

	Thanks ...

We're wondering what drugs you are on. None of the hacks are signed 'attrition' or by any member of attrition. In some cases we are greeted by various hackers, but it is just that. Greetings. Further, if you read the large disclaimer:

        *       These mirrors are preserved for posterity and history.
                There is no reason to debate semantics of
                archiving these. We do NOT encourage
                this activity any more than criminal psychologists condone
                the activities of the ones they study. 

        *       ATTRITION.ORG does NOT condone hacking, compromising
                system security, or the defacement of web pages.

        *       We are not in league with the people who hacked your site.
                We receive email about the hacks and we verify them. Once
                verified we use 'wget' to archive the hack. Sometimes
                this happens quickly if the mirror admins are reading
                their email. That only shows we are quick, NOT in league
                with anyone.

	And yes. We use unix here. But that has absolutely nothing 
	to do with any remote system, their web page, or anything else.

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