<p><font size="2">I am out of the office until 09/14/2009.<br>
</font><font size="2"><br>
</font><font size="2">For any urgent matters, please contact Scott Moore or Vernon Jackson <br>
</font><font size="2"><br>
</font><font size="2"><br>
</font><font size="2" color="#808080">Note: This is an automated response to your message "</font><b><font size="2">[VIM] seclists.org is back"</font></b><font size="2" color="#808080"> sent on </font><b><font size="2">9/7/09 17:16:07</font></b><font size="2" color="#808080">. <br>
</font><font size="2" color="#808080"><br>
</font><font size="2" color="#808080">This is the only notification you will receive while this person is away.</font></body></html>